Hi! I’ve seen a few games in development with this style which I find quite appealing. Does anyone have any advice as to where to start with this style in UE4?
Is it something that could be done with materials or would it require a custom shader or something?
Part of that is just the textures, using a more cartoonish style. For the lighting, you can possibly do that with just a skylight so that the shadows aren’t so dark. Or maybe put something into the emissive channel to flatten the material.
I considered that but with emissive you’re not going to get any shadows. I think just using ‘unlit’ as the shading model and plugg in a colour into emissive works for the most part, the thing I’m confused about is how to get the unlit look but with shadows on certain surfaces. I haven’t done much by way of experimentation at this point though.
Emissive use same HDR values than rest of pipeline. It’s just matter of balancing emissive vs directional light intensity. 1.0 isn’t any meaningful value.
You could try this. Set all normals to use world space(instead of tangent space). Just make it point let say upwards. Then add directional light with 0.0 as indirect light intesity. Setup all materials specular 0.0 and roughness to 1.0. Plug albedo color to emissive with some multiplier to get right amount of shadow color.
Right, it’s just assuming we’re not going for physical accuracy. If I were doing this in 3ds Max for example it would be a simple matter to use a standard material and adjust the self illumination to something like 50.