Can you help me? (sry for bad english)
Maybe its because your surface is fairly metallic? Which would make it much brighter. You could also lower the power of the light based on distance to wall.
“You could also lower the power of the light based on distance to wall.” What do you mean by that
do a line trace say 1k meters in front of you, and when you hit something get its location minus yours getting the vector length and you will know how far you are from the wall, and as you get closer lower the power of the light.
Could you send me an example it would be really great
So we get our location and our forward vector, which is one meter in front of us at all times, and multiply that by 1k to get a 1,000 meter range. Then if the line trace hits something we get our location again minus what the line trace hit location and get its length. and from there you can do it a few ways either by branching. if wall is this far darken. Or create some math where your light will work normal without hitting anything and slowly decreases the power as you get closer.
Better Idea Disable Bloom and LensFlare