Fixing jittery movement client side

In my game the client experiences very jittery movement with rubberbanding. When I simulate the game normally everything runs fine but if I have the ping simulated as average from the editor preferences then the problem arises. Note this is not some custom movement that is causing the problem I’m using the generic third person blueprint and just having them fall to the level start. Even with the generic third person BP falling the movement on the client side looks like they are constantly teleporting up and down while falling. On the server side they appear to fall and move normally. I’ve tried all the network smoothing modes and nothing has made a difference. Is there some other smoothening setting I should change?

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in my experience this is because you’re moving the whatevere object in both, client AND server.
make sure you don’t activate on the client, the component that does the movement, or don’t tick, or whatever does the movement.

It’s just the gravity from the generic movement component. Is there a way to set that only to server side?

How big is your game? Maybe too heavy to run a client and a server at the same time.

It is a very small scale like 10 custom floor panels where you could go from one side to the other in less than 10 seconds. Outside of the characters and a trigger box the floors are the only things visible and with collisions in the game.

Then it boils down to server correction. It’s not getting the same result for movement as client, so it corrects the client.

Post your movement input code.

Its the input that came with the first person character BP, and I just have the character movement component replicating. When I simulate the game as a listen server this all works fine but the ping is causing the jitter even if there is no input allowed and i have a character simply falling

Does this happen with the default third person template?

No I just tested it with the default third person and first person BP and there is no jitter

Something is wrong with your character class then.

Compare your character movement and default settings with the third person template.

Verify collision settings. No actor attached to the pawn can have collision that blocks pawn.

One little mistake in my origianl post I built my character off the first person BP not third person. Nonetheless I turned the collision settings to no collision for everything attached to the character and changed every single setting in the character movement setting to match the first person character and it still isn’t working. Is there anything else you think it could be?

Does it only happen when falling or any movement is jittery? If it happens only when falling: do you change the gravity setting in any way? Are the platforms that you jump off moving up/down?