The Terrains from the Slappy Shores otherwise the Chapter 4 Nature Galleries Terrain has a strange flickering problem, akin to when it was first released.
Please select what you are reporting on:
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
World Building
Steps to Reproduce
Dive into the CH4 Nature Gallery and use the Big Flat Top Hill Piece, use grid snap 1 and over lap two terrain pieces over each other.
Expected Result
For it to line up well and show now merging issues
Observed Result
the overlay of it cause both pieces to fight over each other in a constant flicker or they overlap weirdly
Xbox Series X (and maybe more playforms?)
Additional Notes
As well as this issue, the CH5 Rocky Desert Terrain Pieces are bright red and as seen in the video, the Chapter 4 Nanite Bushes no longer have Nanite on them lol.
I assume that when removing the Nanite from the CH1 Trees, your team have accidentally made a mess of other things that have the Nanite too like as above the terrain and the bushes. Praying this is fixed very very soon as I cant have my friends looking at messed up terrain or old bushes. Thank you!!
on an unrelated note, I can’t get my video to appear as the percentage of it uploading takes like, bajillion years and gets stuck despite me having full bars of internet. So anyhow, take my word for it and please fix this. Again…Again, it’s the little things.
[UPDATE: I found a way for you to view the bugs as listed above!]
Here is an image of the Gallery and sorry, I believe that stump piece here when you use height and flatten it, then overlay a few on each other to make a platform of sorts will do this.
I typically flatten the piece and use it to make hand made islands of my own since i do not have uefn (i play on the Series X) Hopefully this displays the issue as mentioned
To sum up, I believe you gotta flatten that stump piece and then make a platform with it (maybe make up to 3 or 4 of the pieces together/flatten it and stretch it out) and them overlaying each other causes it to flicker or overlap weirdly. When it should merge nicely like a lot of the terrain pieces.
Sorry, but as well as this, the CH1 Trees have lost their nanite looks. Not sure if this was intentional or not but if it was then don’t worry, it’s back in its OG Glory!!
Came back to say that Nanite is 100% Gone in general on the Xbox Series X. So this is 100% just a Nanite is missing issue. Explains why the bushes and trees and terrain look the way they do. It all lacks nanite.
this can be seen in its lighting, all trees, the CH1 Trees, So yeah. It would appear that nanite on everything is just gone for the Xbox Series X. Nanite is missing on everything making the graphics look weird and it’s especially noticeable when the Chapter 5 TODM is on. Thank you!!
Sorry to bother again, I know it may seem annoying but I came back with before and after. Although the Clips are a bit much, I’m sure you can see the differences in them.
This is not a published map. All my maps are private and to provide content and fun activities for my friends with my own unique storytelling and more.
yes, Series X is supported but has now gone missing lol. Like it’s absent for me despite me being on The Xbox Series X which like implied, can support it. This a Creative only issue as nanite is fine in normal Battle Royale so whatever happened to Creative 1.0 for Series X (again, IM NOT A PC PLAYER), it’s nanite support just magically disappeared.
it’s best shown here. I’m on the Xbox Series X. On my Map. In Creative 1.0. With CH5 TODM on. Why are the trees, graphics, lighting, Nanite lacking?
To view for yourself easily to prove my point, on an Xbox Series X, make a map. Go into the rift, grab the bush from Restored Reel’s Nature Gallery and then place it. Had nanite be on, the bush would look like… i don’t even know how to describe it then any other way then good looking. Nice and poofy whatever… BUT nanite is absent on the Xbox Series X (which again should support nanite) and instead shows the bush off as if it’s a Chapter 2 Bush or a lower quality bush.
hi @T0PFR0ST ,
Nanite must be coming from Project X MS famous play anywhere. UE5 on Azure Cloud based PC and Fortnight is cloud based built with UE5 and Java. Hosted by Amazon Web Services