Fix this minor detail in a tutorial


This YouTube video shows you how to create a trigger to hide under an object, in this case a bed.

Everything is working except for the little issue of the Enhanced Input Actions instead of default input mappings, which my project doesn’t have as it’s deprecated for the new EIA system.

Trouble is, instead of seeing ‘Axis Value’ which can be seen at 16:20 in the video on the input mapping, I’d have to use my Enhanced Input Action IA_Look and Enhanced Input Action IA_Move. Yet these two only have a ‘Action Value’ instead, which can be struct split into…

  • Action Value X
  • Action Value Y

Now the issue remains to recombine them to work as a single ‘Axis Value’ like it would have for input mappings Unreal Engine used to have before the new EIA system.

So…to do this using the Action Value or struct split? even then, how do connect them to the values of Add Controller Pitch and it’s + and Add Controller Yaw and it’s +.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @judgejames

you are mixing two different things

  • IA_Look is for Controller input, so for Pitch AND Yaw Input, Y goes into Pitch and X into Yaw

  • IA_Move is for AddMovementInput

Hi @L1z4rD89 thanks for assisting me!

While I was testing I worked out by doing the following, it works as expected, except for the camera which only seems to move up and down not left and right or freely.

Okay, we are getting there, I duplicated the IA_Look and replaced IA_Move and now we have a free look camera but I need to restore IA_Move… BRB

Trying to move camera but not working…not convinced I need this, but it would be nice to have.

Hey @judgejames

that is for looking around:

that is for moving:

It got really messy and really broken when I tried to clean up the IA_Look to work off succeeding input functions because the rest of the blueprint didn’t support it, the IA_Move also didn’t work for player or camera so I will just leave it I think, I’m too scared to break it and not get it back now, thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @judgejames

which tutorial are you following?

This one, sorry I forgot to add it to the original post!

This is my BP so far as well which might help

Hey @judgejames

have a look at this:

could be possible that you have to adjust the clamp values for your scene (as mentioned in the tutorial)

Not sure why but he doesn’t interact with the bed anymore at all - NEVERMIND I had the Unhide / Hide branch True / False thing the wrong way.

It works but it gets a little stuck when moving the mouse left or right from the far right or far left and the camera look speed is increased when in the trigger zone before even triggering hiding

also if you happen to know anything about retargeting bones I would greatly appreciate assistance on this question too :slight_smile:

Hey @judgejames

can you try to use the Started pin of your IA_Interact for the Enter pin on the gate

@L1z4rD89 didn’t seem to change anything
Changing the IA_Look action to Started instead of Triggered fixes the camera look speed issue before I interact (for some reason) but it then doesn’t allow me to look left/right/around only up down

Hey @judgejames

only the IA_Interact should fire once if pressed (Started), the IA_Look should always fire (Triggered). Your boolean variable IsHiding should be set to false as the start value.

Hi @L1z4rD89
It works as expected except for two things

  1. Standing in the trigger zone or near the bed causes camera speed to increase slightly, when I move away it returns to normal look speed

  2. The camera or mouse seems to get stuck to the left or right a bit

This is what the character BP has in it, that references the bed hide BP (if it’s any help)

Hey @judgejames

have a look at this: (320.6 KB)

Thanks for providing that, I tried implementing it in the game but pressing the interact key doesn’t do anything

and this is what the player character BP is doing

Hey @judgejames

did you look at the Input folder? Look at the InputActions and the InputMappingContent (!). Did you assign a key? In my example it is “E” for IA_Interact.