Fix lines over my landscape

I’m trying to use a landscape to model the bottom of a sea, but for some reason it has these bright (or sometimes dark) lines all over it that go on Y axis. The only source of light in the scene is player’s lamp (dynamic point light). Is there a way to fix these?

Also, now I realized, sorry if the title sounds too aggressive. I meant it more in a “(Need help with) fixing lines over my landscape”

Heya @V_vix!

So what I’m seeing here is unwanted tesselation! You need to adjust the stretch settings in your material, because as of right now it looks like the X stretched and the Y didn’t (or vice-versa) because it’s repeating in one direction but looks properly stretched in the other!

Here’s the quick-start guide for landscapes. Go down to #4 (creating landscape materials) and see if anything could help you!

Thank your for advice, unfortunately I re-made my material using the tutorial and yet I still see these weird shadows. I also took a screenshot of them from 2 sides, where it is visible how they switch from bright to dark based on where the dynamic light is in case it might help diagnosing the issue.


EDIT: Turned out, for some reason my normals weren’t tiling properly on landscapes for some reason. Removing normals from my landscape fixed the issue. This is odd, because the normals look fine on every other model, but at least it works now.

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