「First-class Ninja」- SpellarPerformance

First-class Ninja⚡

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:
・ Model&Animation:Frank Assassin (Ninja)
・Wepons:Infinity Blade: Weapons
・Engine contents

Editor version


・I envisioned a ninja who could take down his enemies as swiftly as lightning!:zap:
I love the material I made this time!

Engine version:5.1


You kidding me!? How am I supposed to compete with this lol, those slashes & stuff were sick!! They look so clean, like comparing it to other weapon trail VFX I’ve seen & used, these have this super clean gradient going on without any noise and it looks amazing :ok_hand:t2:

If you have a chance to check out my submission, I’d love your thoughts! :smiley:

That material is amazing. Super inspiring!