Fire VFX


I am working with UE 4.25.4 to recreate this fire VFX following the tutorial video below.

I have got pretty far, although the video is vague on many details in the cascade system layout. If someone could help figure out what I am missing it would be greatly appreciated.

The video below shows my progress.

Thanks for taking the time.

click on “required” in your particle system and go down to Sub UV. Set sub images horizontal / vertical to the amount of sprites left to right / top to bottom.

maybe this can help you out, it´s a 2 part tutorial :slight_smile:

cheers :vulcan_salute:

I know it’s a horrible drag, but I recommend you migrate to 4.27. Since the VFX options are better there, especially for the Niagara stuff. And I did notice that particle movement looks way more realistic from 4.27 to 5.0 but it’s just too much trouble to migrate from 4 to 5.

Thanks for all the advice, I’m trying to create a good fire vfx and this seems to be the simplest way to do it from what I have seen

Yes, it is the simplest. But Cascade isn’t as easy as Niagara for that sorta thing.

I know, I used to love Cascade, but once I got to use Niagara, it just went uphill from there.

Anyhow, regardless, you need to specify how many Sub-UV frames you got, in my case, let’s say 3x3, so you need to specify X and Y, so 3X and 3Y and then you need to specify HOW MANY Sub-UV frames you got, in this case 8, since you gotta count 0-8 and that’s 9 frames. The reason why your particle system looks that way is because you didn’t specify the the Sub-UV matrix. Look for a Cascade flipbook particles tutorial, there’s a ton in YT. It also took awhile for me to get it, but once you get it, it’s easy. And since you’re on YT, check Niagara and compare to Cascade, I’m sure you’ll find the Niagara way simpler. Or at least I did. It only seems complex at first.