I made “Move Actor to Location and Wait” with reference to “Simple Move to Location” yesterday, and it worked fine at first. I then reference World Partitioned Navigation Mesh and modify the “Agent Radius” then rebuild the paths, after which it doesn’t work anymore, but the navigation grid looks perfectly fine. I traced the source code and found that FindPathSync consistently returned Error. Later I tested “Simple Move to Location” and “AI Move To” and they didn’t work either.
I wonder if there is something wrong with my world Settings and project Settings, it seems that “RecastNavMesh-Default” is not used by the world, can anyone help? Thank you very much
Additional Notes:
Digging deeper into the source code, the queryPolygons function of DetourNavMeshQuery.cpp outputs the polyCount of 0. polys has a size of 128, and after 1444 lines, minx==maxx, miny == maxy