FindPathSync(Navigation) not working

I made “Move Actor to Location and Wait” with reference to “Simple Move to Location” yesterday, and it worked fine at first. I then reference World Partitioned Navigation Mesh and modify the “Agent Radius” then rebuild the paths, after which it doesn’t work anymore, but the navigation grid looks perfectly fine. I traced the source code and found that FindPathSync consistently returned Error. Later I tested “Simple Move to Location” and “AI Move To” and they didn’t work either.
I wonder if there is something wrong with my world Settings and project Settings, it seems that “RecastNavMesh-Default” is not used by the world, can anyone help? Thank you very much

Additional Notes:
Digging deeper into the source code, the queryPolygons function of DetourNavMeshQuery.cpp outputs the polyCount of 0. polys has a size of 128, and after 1444 lines, minx==maxx, miny == maxy

When I added an entry to “Project Settings” - “Navigation System” - “Agents” - “Supported Agents”, Then copy the Name to “World Settings” - “Default Agent Name”, save level and reopen the editor again. It finally worked.

After several attempts, if the level is world partitioned, Within the editor type “n.b NavmeshAllowPartitionedBuildingFromEditor 1” and rebuild Paths, and then don’t check “IsWorldParttionedNavMesh” of RecastNavMesh , or navigation will not work, You just need to reopen the editor.

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