Finding out good workflow for working with widgets (main menu)


I have trouble understanding how I should implement main menu screen in my game, using both c++ and blueprints and make best use of the engine.

Right now I have implemented my main menu as mentioned below:

  1. I created UserWidget blueprint class (so it would be easy to design it there)

  2. As my whole project is based on c++, I also created HUD class, that´s associated with my gamemode class

  3. Now I created an instance of UserWidget in my HUD class based on the blueprint I created and set it up

------------------------.h file --------------------------------

	UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = ComponentClasses)
	TSubclassOf<UUserWidget> MainMenuWidgetClass;

	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Components)
	UUserWidget* MainWidget;

------------------------.cpp file --------------------------------

MainMenuWidgetClass = StaticLoadClass(UUserWidget::StaticClass(), nullptr, 

------------------------.cpp file widget to viewport --------------------------------

	MainWidget = CreateWidget<UUserWidget>(GetWorld(), MainMenuWidgetClass);
	GetOwningPlayerController()->bShowMouseCursor = true;

Now when I press on the button in my widget blueprint, the event will fire and I call the UFUNCTION exposed function based on the button. But the example logic looks like this (note that Start Game function is the exposed function at the moment):

It seems to me that I might be doing this a bit wrong (what I mean is the workflow). Maybe there are some good practices that I could take in count when I create the main menu or you have experienced some better workflows during creating UI. I would very much appreciate every advice. Thank you in advance!

Best wishes