Find Sessions always returns 0 results [Advanced Sessions plugin with null and Steam]

After days of googling, reading and testing I still can’t get this right. I am using the plugin Advanced Sessions. I am able to create sessions and play with or without LAN and with or without Steam, but I can’t find the session on a different instance of the game.

I have tried with 2 PIE windows, 2 instances of packaged build on 1 machine and 2 different computers on LAN with same packaged build. Same result, the length of returned “Results” array from Find Sessions Advanced = 0.

Would be great if anyone have any pointers or a check list I can run down to fix it. :slight_smile:

My DefaultEngine.ini : (When I test without Steam I simply turn “DefaultPlatformService=Steam” to “=Null”.)



[OnlineSubsystemSteam] bEnabled=true
GameVersion= bVACEnabled=1


My Game.Build.cs :

using UnrealBuildTool;

public class FreshFPS : ModuleRules {
public FreshFPS(TargetInfo Target) {
string { “Core”, “CoreUObject”,
“Engine”, “InputCore”,
“OnlineSubsystemUtils” });

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string { “OnlineSubsystem” });


} }

Any chance you found a solution to this? I’m also having this issue. I would have thought that I would at least find all online sessions using appID 480 so running a Find Sessions Advanced should always return a few results but the array is always empty.

In case anyone else runs into this issue (there are many questions but few answers).

My problem was that for Steam to find any session, I had to set “Min Slots Available = 0

Also worth noting, if playing on 1 PC or same network, LAN needs to be set both for Creating session and Finding. While playing over Steam, it doesn’t have to be set to LAN, but requires 2 Steam accounts and 2 PCs.

These settings below should make it work over Steam at least. (UE4 Version 4.27)

i have the same problem, UE4.27.2

For anyone looking for solution this problem.
I have this finding session issue for weeks.

Turning off FireWall solved for me.

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