Film Grain Post Process not working in UE5.4.4?


Hi Everyone,

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same issue;

I added a Post Process Volume onto my map, enabled infinite extend (unbound) and wanted to add film grain. So I enabled film grain intensity and set the value to 5.

Unfortunately… no amount value is giving me any film grain. It just doesn’t work, and remain with the same result as if without any effects.

That being said; Post Process Materials still work!

Would anyone be able to;

  1. Be able to assist me in how to troubleshoot this? As I m not quite sure where to start… Checked Engine Config and Project Settings, nothing seems of note or off.


  1. Provide me with links or lead on how I can re-create the film grain effect as a Post process material to get around this. As most of my googling so far have been on using the innate Film grain effect within the Post Process volume so I m stuck…

Reason for Film Grain; To Create a CCTV Filter. (Already have a Post Process on making the lines, just need the film grain to finish it off as recorded footage)

Thank you in advance!

Please select what you are reporting on:


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Steps to Reproduce

  1. Place Post Process Volume on Map
  2. Enable Infinite Extend Unbound
  3. Enable Film Grain Intensity
  4. Set Intensity at a desired Value
  5. Ponder and Shake head as to why it is not working.

Expected Result

Film grain to appear in Map, either in editor or on Begin Play

Observed Result

No Film Grain appears on either editor or Begin Play



Hi, I was having the same issue.

When I turned up my scalability from Medium to High, it rendered the grain. So maybe thats your issue aswell.