It seems like the perfect file to practice audio design, but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to convert the landscape to phys mat so that I can create audible footsteps.
I then read somewhere this was a bug that was fixed in recent versions.
The file will not update to 4.25 (it’s in 4.19). It comes up with numerous problems, and finally getting Visual Studio to play nicely, it throws a few error codes when trying to recompile the plugins.
I’ve been at this for hours and hours today. I’m at wit’s end. I’m not proficient in C++ or even Unreal; so I don’t even know if I’ve been on a wild goose chase all day. My best guess is the issue stems from C++.
Grabbing a lucky screenshot during the build log, I found two errors:
Projects/OceanProject/Plugins/OceanPlugin/Source/OceanPlugin/Private/CustomVehicleController.cpp(74): warning C4996: ‘APawn: :IsControlled’: IsControlled is deprecated. To check if this pawn is controlled by anything, then call IsPawnControlled. To check if [text continues off screen].
Projects/OceanProject/Plugins/OceanPlugin/Source/OceanPlugin/Private/InfiniteSystemComponent.cpp(59): error C2248: ‘UActorComponent::bIsActive’: cannot access private member declared in class ‘UActorComponent’
This project doesn’t have to be updated to 4.25; if I can just change the ground to have phys mat while keeping the way it looks now, I’d be happy. Any help here?
Well, that fixed that problem, but I found another one:
Projects/OceanProject/Plugins/OceanPlugin/Source/OceanPlugin/Private/AdvancedBuoyancyComponent/AdvancedBuoyancyComponant.cpp (242): warning: Please use ENQUEUE_RENDER_COMMAND instead Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile. [-W#pragma-messages]
Here’s the code at what I think is the defined location: