Field Grass Package Vol. 1

Thanks for help, now it is better.
Now looks like this - https://cdn.discordapp/attachments/123805999374008320/129505744440655872/unknown.png

Profiling shows most of the work (20ms) in BasePass->Dynamic… I have disabled shadows, but looks like it not helps…

Also, what is other reason except TemporalAA?

Looks like I am getting same performance issues with any masked shader…

Having similar insane basepass hit issues too, but I believe its the leaking buggy 4.10. Still also using this grasspack.

Do you get the same problem with the performance when you use one of the other engine versions? :slight_smile:
Also make sure that:
-you run your PC with the “high performance” power settings
-that you use the right gpu (e.g in my laptop I have two gpus -> one for gaming and another one for everything else)

Yep, right GPU (have only one). Not sure about engine version - I’ll check and report.

Also, maybe it is good idea a to create mesh variants with more polys and less overdraw. Them should give better performance in few situations.

As the winter is nearly over and everybody needs some fresh green vegetation in their maps, I decided to put my package on sale :stuck_out_tongue:

**-25% On Sale!! **