Field becomes nullptr when comes out of function space

I have a field in class that stores a references to objects and I have a function with 2 methods in it.
I pass 2 null pointers to the first function to assign values to them, and after I pass these pointers to second function.
The problem is that after completion of the first function these members become nullptr, and I pass nullptr to the second function. - main function
Joxi (205 kb) закачан 23 февраля 2021 г. Joxi -the first function
Joxi (251 kb) закачан 23 февраля 2021 г. Joxi - the second function
Joxi (170 kb) закачан 23 февраля 2021 г. Joxi - Struct with refs

Hey, one of the screenshot isn’t working
not sure but looks like you have a function parameter named the same as an object variable, in these cases, better use an other name to avoid mistakes
also, use some breakpoints, especially in your spawn model picker
check that the rowmodelpickerclass isn’t null
check that the create widget actually return a value