Hi, sorry for my explanation.
Due im using typical cars was enough, but yeah changed to axel numbers.
About the other question:
Let say we have 2axels, 4 wheels. In this case i talk about mLateralSlip.
On drifting, each wheel have “different values”, based on position, torque,etc…
So, for LatSlip it may show this:
0L: 6.0
0R: 4.0
1L: 2.0
1R: 1.0
My question is, how can i get the value difference between the front wheels and rear wheels?
In this particular, case, the values to return will be:
0L: 4.0
0R: 3.0
1L: 4.0
1R: 3.0
So, with this values, if needed, i can compensate if the difference goes to high to avoid certain scenarios.
It looks i can store the values in the right way, due i debug and they are fine for each axle.
But if i try to do someting like: mFrontW-mRearW, it just return the same as originals as shown in the telemetry values.
What will be the correct way/logic to achieve that? As said, inside FGearWheel.cpp.