the question aboue input system i inquired about before has been completely resolved. Thank you
i’m trying to use the example project to create a vehicle using my custom mesh.
but, audio issues cause when using resources from example projects in Unreal 5.3.2 version.
video is showing problem.
00:00-FGear Example Project
00:25-Migrated Project
here is my steps:
Create Blank Blueprint Project
Target Platform: Desktop
Quality Preset: Maximum
Starter Contents: No
Ray Tracing: No
Enable FGear Vehicle Physics Plugin
Restart Project
Migrate ‘FGearAssets’ from FGear Example Project
Open AITest Map(Content/FGearAssets/Maps/AITest)
if i migrate assets, FGearBPHUDGameMode’s native parent class is none.
is this reason of this issue?
otherwise, do i adjust project setting more?
i’m already change physics substep value to example project same.
best regards.
find “Global Max Pitch Scale” option in editor settings and max it.
Drive Zone Online, one of the best open world racing games for mobile devices, powered by FGear!
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unity version, you can tell just by looking at the graphics
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December 20, 2023, 3:48am
Hi, small question here: did anyone of you already created a C++ only FGear car (by inheriting from AFGearVehicle, then setting the mesh via mMesh->SetSkeletalMesh(mesh, false); in constructor? For us it all works very well can be driven and behave correctly), we are just not able to generate hit events, whatever we tried. Anyone tried this as well? Thank you!
December 21, 2023, 8:14am
I generate hit event by creating a trigger box component which is sized to the vehicle… and trap the hit event from the box…
December 22, 2023, 11:15am
Hi Syed, good hint. Are you also having it C++ only? If yes, did it also failed for you to get hit events? Should this not work normally?
December 22, 2023, 3:25pm
Just a question. Is the physics asset also configure to generate hit events?
December 24, 2023, 2:05am
Mine is mixed C++ and BP.
Yes the overlapped event was not generated properly for my case… I dont really remember the reason lol…
still work in progress but we’re close…
December 29, 2023, 1:45pm
I finally brought it to run by adding
to BeginPlay() of
Would be nice if this could be the default in FGear.
December 29, 2023, 1:59pm
Another question: I want to set the tire model. I used:
TSubclassOf<UFGearTire> TireModelClass = (FGearSerializer::loadObjFromPath<UClass>(
But is there anything speaking against directly using UFGearTireMF61::StaticClass()
as the parameter for mWheelOptions0->setTireModelClass()
Would be nice if this could be the default in FGear.
neither overlap nor the hit events are on by default in unreal so we keep it that way, it is up to the user to enable them.
But is there anything speaking against directly using UFGearTireMF61::StaticClass()
if you check the loadObjFromPath function it is just a simple wrapper and it is using “::StaticClass” to get the object class
put together a short video of some projects using fgear:
January 3, 2024, 12:17am
Looking good. Any ETA on the next update or roadmap as to what to expect?
eta next week if everything goes smooth…
January 4, 2024, 9:03am
Thanks! So you basically say that the BP of TireMF61 is identical to the c++ class of it? I can see it is inheriting from it so if I do not need to change the default paramters it is the same right? Because if I go for UFGearTireMF61::StaticClass()
as suggested, it would take the father class (the c++ one) not the BP_Tire61.BP_Tire61_C
one (the child).
yes, if the BP version has no modifications on it then it is identical to the C++ version.
btw some of the existing tire model BPs have modifications on them.
January 9, 2024, 2:33pm
Seems like the plugin has been updated but epic hasn’t uploaded 1.7. Documentation has also been updated.