enable input & wheel telemetry and observe what’s happening.
if you think it’s not a setup issue but a bug then mail your json and some video showing the problem.
enable input & wheel telemetry and observe what’s happening.
if you think it’s not a setup issue but a bug then mail your json and some video showing the problem.
@lazybitgames any update or resolution on this subject?
that is more of a fundamental issue. there is one solution that greatly reduces it but has side effects like overall loss of stability. there is also another potential solution but it also effects the overall driving behavior, we will spend more time to come up with the correct approach.
Vehicle animation.
Axels is not found and gets an error. Alternative?
Are you using a new project, or? I upgraded my project yesterday to 5.3.2; no issues with the existing fgear vehicle
I was using new project yes, but i found the answer
To get Axels in 5.3.2 i had to go to anim Blueprint : File-Reparent blueprint - fgearAniminstance and uncheck context sensitive.
All good now.
Has anyone tried the AI?
how to set up and make AI vehicle and then following the spline`?
There is an AI set up in the demo project.
Hello, can you explain to me how you can use raw input in your project? I watched tons of tutorials and documents, but my wheel is not working. Can you help me? thank you
Just following up. Any ETA or updates on the matter? I’m sure many users are awaiting this.
a major update is on the way with fixes and some new features too.
it contains some critical changes so we will take our time to test it thoroughly.
eta january 2024…
Amazing! Looking forward to it.
That major update is related with chaos physics?
no, it is about the simulation, the same update will be applied to unity version.
hi, i just bought your plugin and follow tutorial video.
in the tutorial video, vehicle use standard inputs.
but, i want new enhanced input system.
so, when i turn off ‘Enabled’ option in fgear’s standard input component and use Engine’s ‘Set Throttle’ Function with Front Axis’s ‘Set Target Steer’.
it seems works fine. but is this approach the right way?
best regards.
that would work but I would still recommend using standard input, just disable input reading and provide inputs so that you can still benefit from it’s features like sensitivity settings, dead zones, steering curves etc.
note: you don’t need to call setReadInputs(false) everytime, just once will do.
thanks, i will try this.
What is the Fignore query filter? It current is set as int. Does the int value correspond to the engine collision channels?
you mean query ignore mask, never used it and never saw it used anywhere but it is a parameter of unreal api so we included it. the source code contains a comment : “This filter allows us to refine queries (channel, object) with an additional level of ignore by tagging entire classes of objects…”
Hmm yeah okay. I was trying to make a filter for the convex wheels to ignore the characters capsule. I guess I’ll switch to a line trace after the character exits the car.