FGear Vehicle Physics (v1.4)

Yes, I set up another trace channel and it did the trick!
Thank you!

This might be stupid but is this also the case with manual transmission ?
Cause while testing it was possible to let the car roll backward from a hill and accelerate and get the rear tire to spin correctly, so I assume that this is an intended treshold to limit tire spins, I would like to be able to modify it though.
Looking forward to buy that plugin and this is something Iā€™m likely to mess with, though ultimately it wouldnā€™t be a deal breaker. Iā€™m thinking if there is a way to maybe force reverse then 1st gear through blueprint and make my own treshold then re-enable automatic transmission once the first gear was forced to be seatā€¦ If this is possible then this is likely easily fixable by myself without modifying the source code :grinning:

i couldnā€™t exactly understand what you meant in the first paragraph but you can switch to manual transmission and make any gear changes and then switch back to auto transmission from blueprint.

While I am thinking of getting this plugin, Iā€™ve been experiencing major issue with Epicā€™s vehicle and my terrain:

It drives fine on the face of the static mesh terrain, but as soon as it goes over the edge between adjacent triangles, it drives over an invisible surfaces and then ā€œfalls offā€ it, and flips violently.

I already used ā€œpxvis collision 1ā€ cmd to see if there is anything there and there was nothing. I tried complex collisions on the terrain mesh, I tried simple collisions (each triangle was represented with UCX hull) - same exact result with flipping vehicle.

That being said, I would not like to spend money on the plugin just to find it has same exact issues as stock Epicā€™s vehicle.

Do you happen to know whatā€™s going on there and if something like that can manifest with FGear too ?

some people have encountered weird collision issues before but they were all meshes, we have a landscape in our game and we have never experienced any problems. that being said, i canā€™t say for sure that it wonā€™t happen with fgear, if there is a collision glitch then it can possibly cause issues.

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Well perfect then ! I was mentioning one of your old answer so it might have had been hard to understand what I was referring to. I was talking about being in reverse and pressing the throttle input, and it braking until arriving at a dead stop then putting in 1st gear, which is an expected behavior as it limits tire spin, but I was thinking of actually having intentionally tire spinning in that scenario. Hope it cleared it out a bit, thanks for your answer too.

EDIT: thinking about it, it makes sense too, best thing would probably be to let the car rev in neutral for a bit to build torque to get tire spin, otherwise itā€™ll just try to stall I guess, so itā€™s preferable anyway to custom make it to fine tune it how I want. Again thanks for your answer, gives confidence for me to purchase your plugin :grinning:

There is another thing I was wondering though, Iā€™ve seen in the doc there is an oversteer assist, and I was wondering how was that working. Does it automatically steer ? And if so, is it adjustable at which amount it does it ?

over/under steer assist is like esp, uses brakes to overcome instability, they donā€™t work very well though. there is also a steering assist, it automatically steers towards vehicles travel direction. all these assists have a range value between 0ā€¦1 so that you can adjust their amount.

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Perfect ! Again thanks for your answer, I appreciate it.

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000150

UE4Editor_FGearPlugin!UFGearStandardInput::getSteerLimit() [C:\Users\playi\Desktop\FGearExample\Plugins\FGearPlugin\Source\FGearPlugin\Private\FGearStandardInput.cpp:236]
UE4Editor_FGearPlugin!UFGearStandardInput::modifyInputs() [C:\Users\playi\Desktop\FGearExample\Plugins\FGearPlugin\Source\FGearPlugin\Private\FGearStandardInput.cpp:359]
UE4Editor_FGearPlugin!AFGearVehicle::Tick() [C:\Users\playi\Desktop\FGearExample\Plugins\FGearPlugin\Source\FGearPlugin\Private\FGearVehicle.cpp:383]

Iā€™m getting this crash?

it looks like your steer limit curve is null, did you provide it?
we check if it is null and create a default one normally but somehow yours seem to be deleted. does it happen immediately or after some time?

hi @anonymous_user_8b3c65dc did you solved your problem?

Yes, partially, it is a bit complicated, Iā€™ve managed to migrate fgear to the project. Basically, you need to copy fgear sample folder to new folder, check if it works. Then you need to rename this project so it will have the same name as your target project (the blueprint project where you need to add fgear cars). For renaming I used the tool called . After renaming put .sln file Source folder and Content folder into your target blueprint folder. Add fgear plugin description in the .uproject file or activate it in the editor.
As a result Iā€™ve got it work in the editor (fgear sample maps work in the editor) but after packaging (successful) the project is not launching, i.e. when I click on exe file it does something but the game is not loading. I donā€™t know what the problem, trying to figure it out. Maybe lazybitgames could help? I suspect it could be something in my blueprint is messed, but it works fine without plugin, when I delete previously migrated fgear files and folders. I would like to take a look at logs but I canā€™t find where are they?
Any help or suggestions appreciated.

Yep, after deleting the files and folders related to fgear the project works as it should. The blueprint project Iā€™m working on is quite big and it seems that fgear is messing in some way. What be your suggestions regarding diagnostics/checks I can do? I would be very happy to implement fgear in the game and so far Iā€™m stuck with the issue and feel a bit frustrated!

Hi @anonymous_user_8b3c65dc
I have tested today. I listed my steps here:
1-Install fgear plugin from epic launcher
2-Create a blueprint project with same version of the fgear plugin
3-Open your blueprint project and enable fgear plugin in plugin window
4-Restart editor
5-Copy ā€œFGearAssetsā€ folder to under content folder of the project
6-Open any example map in FGearAssets/Maps/ and play it.

Pls send me your log file after crash editor. Your Project\Saved\Crashes and Project\Saved\Logs. Also check your project version and fgear plugin version same or not.

I will have to check I was just using the demo project and cloned one of the vehicles so I changed nothing apart from the mesh.

It works!
Thank you very much, Last_Coin_Games!

This was one of the reasons I went away from Epics vehicles. In FGear, quick overlaps of collisions do throw violently still - however, it seems this comes from PhysX. Enabling sub-stepping and having less complex geometry solves most issues.

Finally I bite the bullet and made the purchase last weekā€¦

Just that I am stumbling into a weird crashing error which can only be solved if I commented out body->AddCustomPhysics(onCalcCustomPhysics) in UFGearSkeletalMeshComponent class.

My class structure is a bit complex thoughā€¦ simplified explanation is I created a C++ class name BaseVehicle which derive from FGearVehicle. And this BaseVehicle is later made a parent to BP class where only in this bp class that mMesh (vehicle skeletal mesh) is filled (otherwise null). Probably this contributes the crashing error but I am still looking for an answer.


  • Did you add this line :PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { ā€œFGearPluginā€ }); into Build.cs
  • Can you share the error messages when crashing? also does it crash at editor time or at runtime?
  • Are the plugin files inside the project or in the engine directory?
    I used fgear in a project (4.27) and did the same things as you. I didnā€™t see any problem.

I have to delete my previous post - because just realized it is different crash error.