Hi, very nice plugin!
After playing a few days with the default vehicles I’ve tried to setup my own car ( 4 wheels) but so far can’t get the wheels to spin and rotate. The car is moving but not the wheels. I removed all the collisions from the wheels, added the box collision to the body, created new animBP and copy/pasted the code for animation from existing one. I’ve changed the bone names in transform nodes in animation bp, changed the bone names in the car blueprint as well. Still no success. I’m trying to create the child blueprint from Basic_BP default vehicle. Did I miss something?
I’m using UE4.26, in case it’s important.
Please help,
thank you!
first complete the quickstart tutorial with the provided sample vehicle. if you can complete it without problems then your asset should have a problem. compare bone orientations, hierarchy etc. with the samples.
I know that the UE5.0 branch is still in development and all the bugs in UE5.0 do not affect FGearPlugin, but I’ll ask anyway. It looks like UE5 physics is causing or causing the wrong SubstepDeltaTime value to work, or causing the vehicle to go crazy at low FPS with both Substep and UpdateRate(Hz). Have you encountered such an bug? Maybe UE5 takes a different approach to calling CustomPhysics on FBodyInstance? This error exists both in UE5.0 (in github) and in UE5.0EA2
Hi, thank you for your quick response.
I’ve done a quick start tutorial and it went without a glitch, exactly like in your video. The problem is when I’m trying to use my own skeletal model of the vehicle I can’t use provided fgsedan_animbp from your example. Each unique skeletal model uses its own anim bp. This is the problem IMO. What is the quickest way to adopt fgSedan_AnimBP to my skeletal model, or how to modify my own anim bp to make it work with your plugin?
I’m stuck, sorry ;-( could you help please?
thank you!
ue5 is not supported yet but i’ll take a look at that issue.
yes you need your own anim bp for your own model. make sure you derive from FGearAnimInstance, make sure you use the same nodes and same parameters, make sure your bones are identical to the sample skeleton. if you still fail, send your model via mail and i will check it for you.
i set t.MaxFps from console to 10fps but i see nothing wrong, how do you create this issue?
Thank you for checking
I don’t know exactly why, but maybe it’s because your suspension is too soft and you don’t see the problem. But this issue lurks a little deeper with the frame rate.
Results in UE5
Delta time = 15FPS
SubstepTime = 20FPS
Results in UE4
Delta time = 15FPS
SubstepTime = 60FPS
i think i found the issue, unreal5 has changed max substep delta time calculation, i am not sure if it is intentional or a bug but it breaks fgear and does not make sense, here is what i found:
Hi, thank you very much, I’ve got it work! Now, where should I look if I want to make all wheel drive, or front wheel drive or rear wheel drive vehicle? Sorry, I can’t figure this out
thank you
select each axle and set Torque Share parameter.
for ex. set front axle torque share to 0 and rear axle share to 1 for rear wheel drive.
if you at least read the coremodule document you can figure these kind of stuff easily.
Can someone tell me how to stop fgear vehicle movement? my scenario is I want to stop my AI(auto drive) vehicle when it reaches the finish line. So I made a trigger box and disable auto drive; so it stop the acceleration and stuffs but it remains the previous velocity until it hit something to stop. So I want to know how to stop it actual movement?
check the EnterExitDemo.map, when you exit the vehicle input is disabled and handbrake is on.
to stop the engine call UFGearEngine::setRunning(false).
Hello! We’re working on a co-op multiplayer project with a lot of vehicle stuff integrated at the core of the game. Absolutely loving Fgear so far as our vehicle solution, but hitting the input lag issues that have been described throughout this thread a few times on the client side. At certain points the vehicle even becomes completely unresponsive until the host is reset. Do you have any plans for adding Client Authoritative functionality or anything else that might improve this? Thanks in advance
unfortunately there is no plan to add client authoritative replication right now.
you could disable the replication component and try unreal’s own replication or you could modify the existing replication component. use projective velocity blending algorithm if you can(implemented in current replication component), here is a video about it :
Hey, thanks so much for getting back to me. I appreciate the advice and we’ll look at our options, cheers!
thank you for your plugin and amazing support. I’m trying to implement the feature, where the car ( Basis_BP) has a collision box as an additional component in front of the car at the distance depending on the speed of the car. I need this feature to signal another car to slow down if there’s a car coming from left or right side. So the problem is I can’t figure out how to set up the collision box so it will not collide with the car but will respond only to visibility channel. It seems like the tires ignore the setup, because I managed to set up to ignore collision of the car body but the tires are still collide with the collision box. Is there something I missed? I hope you understand what the issue I have here.
thank you!
an additional collider for collision queries? you are probably messing with the vehicles inertia that way, not to mention the other problems that can arise. why don’t you make sweep queries, we used such queries to detect incoming collisions in our game.
I will explain in a different way, if I may. No I’m not messing with inertia, the car blueprint is intact. Let’s say the car is approaching the crossroad, another car is approaching the same crossroad from the left side. When I use the line trace for detecting car in front it will be to late to slow down when one of the car is already at the crossroad and they will collide with each other, so I’m using the collision box which is in front of each car at some distance so another car could detect the car way before the collision and have time to slow down and get another car to pass. I wish I could attach the picture, can’t figure out how. I’m sorry for clumsy explanation…
A bit about the collision box, custom preset, query only( no physics collisions), trace responce - block visibility only, object responces - all ignore.
My understanding is if collision box have no physics collision set up tires should ignore the collision? But they are coliding
i see, so your problem is that wheels still hit your query collider.
the default query trace channel for vehicles is “visibility” so you either use a different(custom) trace channel and update your world accordingly or set the other collider to avoid queries for visibility channel.
i didn’t try what you want to do exactly but even if you change query mobility type to static then the wheels shouldn’t hit your query collider.