FGear Vehicle Physics (v1.4)

I added the lines after line 30 in Visual Studio 2019, saved the .h file, reopened in the Unreal and can’t seem to see any changes yet. I really apologize for my newbness in C++, but what do you mean by “and compile” after making the changes and saving? I don’t have that option under Build in Visual Studio.

EDIT: Changes made to the compiler and reopened the project, but still don’t see Set Spline as an option.

Build->Build solution in visual studio or click compile button to the left of the play button in unreal editor.
Sometimes engine can not detect changes. Pls reopen editor after compile.

Thank you. I tried both of these and still am not seeing the changes. I tried Build Solution, Rebuild Solution, Build UE4, and Rebuild UE4 and restarted after every attempt. I noticed the Compiler button next to Play doesn’t seem to do anything though. I’m investigating that now. I’m also opening the file by right clicking it in the Editor and selecting “Open [filename]” under the C++ section.


you can not compile fgear plugin right away like that, you are using the binaries compiled by epic games. to compile the plugin yourself you need to create a C++ project and include fgear files manually to create an additional plugin project. this is not a simple task that i can teach you with instructions, you need to be experienced in C++ in general. my recommendation for you is to develop your own ai code in BP, maybe you can try to convert the auto drive component code to BP.

I apologize, I was not asking for an in-depth breakdown of C++ and am aware that is well outside of any expected level of support. I was looking for help in learning where to begin searching and this last post actually helped! By researching some more about creating an additional plugin project that led me down a path where I learned how to compile a plugin project locally and then ta-dah! Thanks to @LastCoinGames for the code help, I was able to get it working and can now set a spline at run time.

Perfect, thanks.

I just found two things:

  1. About articulated vehicle - Finally it works, nice. Just now I cannot use FGearCustomCollision (because it will somewhat broke phys asset?), can it be somewhat solved together?
  2. Looks like in UE 4.26 it start spamming into console this line: LogNavigationDirtyArea: Warning: Skipping dirty area creation because of empty bounds (object: ProceduralMeshComponent /Game/Map/Main/UEDPIE_0_Main.Main:PersistentLevel.FGearSkidmark_4.SkidmarkMesh)
    It happens when I have nav mesh inside level and many ai cars. It looks like the many cars will do skidmarks and exceed the limit of max skidmarks together. Then when I will drive, no more my skidmarks are displayed but only that message in the console. Something is also there, last comment: https://answers.unrealengine.com/que…7063/view.html


1-use separate mesh for the bed and the tail then you can use custom collision.
2-we will look into it.

@lazybitgames: I found another bug: if you will choose car with custom collision and set collisions to “nocollision”, then game will crash (I would like to disable events on default mesh and use only on custom collision).


from unreal documentation, no collision : This body Will have no representation in the physics engine. It cannot be used for spatial queries (raycasts, sweeps, overlaps) or simulation (rigid body, constraints).

from fgear documentation of custom collision : You should untick CollisionResponse of physicsasset or both colliders will be active.

so it’s normal that the engine crashes, we assume that you are providing a mesh with rigidbody.

I’m having a weird issue with using splines. Right now the wheels ignore collision on created splines, but the body of the car will collide normally. I feel like maybe the wheels are looking for something that the spline doesn’t have that everything else does.
I tried going into the mesh of the spline and adding collision, swapping out materials, and double checking collision channels (which are set to Block All). Is the wheel trying to maybe cast a raycast that I need to setup on the spline itself?

You can change wheel trace parameters in “Tracing” category. Pls set correct setting your spline collision presets or change spline mesh collision type to per vertex.
Edit: attachment

Okay, so changing to World Static from Visibility made that work flawlessly, for some reason changing collision complexity did not. Is there any performance or other concerns I should have with the vehicle using a different Trace Channel outside of Visibility?

I don’t think there will be huge performance losses.
About Splines: splines can cause problems in simple collisions. It is useful to set spline collision to complexity. It may cause some performance loss.

Hello, I have some questions about this asset.
Do these physics support mobile controls? If so or not, will it be optimized for mobile? And last, does it have nitro boost feature?
Also when i tried the demo the vehicle seemed unstable, like it was driving byy itself and i had to forcefully

there is a mobile input sample in the example project.
there is no built in boost feature but it’s pretty simple to implement through code or blueprints.
which vehicle is unstable, there are different vehicles in the demos, some are easy to drive some are not…

which asset are you talking about, arcade car is in the sample project?

Hi, this has probably been asked before, but what settings do I change to fix the car steering on its own at higher speeds? If I go full steer/drift at a moderate-high speed, the car continues steering in that direction indefinitaley even after I’ve returned the analog stick back to normal and the telemetry says steering is in the middle.

This problem is exacerbated when I use my own models. Any tips?

hi, sorry for the late reply, notifications are gone with the new forum or i haven’t found a way to activate mail notifications.

high speed self steering could be caused by a couple of reasons. number one suspect is the tire model, edit the tire model BP and activate force symmetry option. let me know if that helps…

Is this asset still in active development?
If so, is there any ETA when the next version will drop?


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yes it is still active but we are a bit occupied lately so we can not give an eta.
we are thinking of improving off road capabilities of current wheel model for the next version.
about ue5 we have tested with the early access version(manually compiled, not as a plugin) and it works fine but the default physics engine is still physx so we haven’t tested it with chaos yet.