it doesn’t work if you do not assign a mesh, it’s the same for me.
But it don’t work even when you will assign it. Just it doing different crazy things and not doing what it should do.
I discovered something: if you will move that two meshes and constraint under some scene component (for example under FGearEffects) then it will stop doing crazy things. But is lags again.
Hello, me again
Is possible to set attenuation for skid sounds somewhat?
You can control attenuation parameters with mSkidclipInnerRadius, mSkidclipFalloffDistance in FGearEffects. If you want to change more parameters, you should change code (UFGearEffects::initAudio) in FGearEffects or write new effect component.
I would like to assign my Attenuation asset, but this setting should be enough. Thanks.
Hello, I am again at that problem with tailgate lagging. I tried almost everything and result is that it is impossible. It is realy so? Is really impossible to make car, bed, physics tailgate and emptying animation attached together in any way?
My tries:
- actor(car) + actor(bed+tailgate) = tailgate lags when car move (but everything else works)
- actor(car + (physic constraint + SM tailgate + SM bed)) = tailgate not lags (but can’t use empying animation - if so, tailgate is off the bed)
- actor(complete car) = tailgate not lags (but can’t use empying animation - if so, tailgate is off the bed AND I can’t even add collisions to the bed, because if it is non-root bone and change physics to kinematic then that bone will just fall down - not in the physic asset simulation but in the game…)
ad 3) It is same problem for example with doors - if I will have door bone, add kinematic collision = doors will falls to the ground.
Is there any way how to:
a) …have physic tailgate with emptying bed animation?
b) …have not falling kinematic non-root bone parts?
@rotacak we decided to include an articulated vehicle sample in the next release.
If it will be car + attached bed (with animation up, down) + physics tailgate (without lagging) and that all with collisions then I will bless you
When I can expect the next release?
PS: Watch out on the SK bed, look what it doing when it is attached (SM bed keeps correct collisions but you cannot animate it easilly):
we will look into it, next release is planned for this month.
here is an updated sandbox demo with an articulated vehicle, press middle mouse button to raise the bed, it lowers when you release.
How are the tests/conversion to the Chaos Physics system going if it is in progress?
we tested chaos with 4.26 preview version(was behaving weird) but epic did not include it in the actual 4.26 release, you need to build from source to be able to use it. there seems to be no need for any api change on our side so when chaos is ready we hope to be able to just use it right away. in theory chaos will change nothing(physics wise) for fgear but it seems to be the key to proper client prediction for replication.
we will release another maintenance build these days and we will experiment on a client authoritative replication option for 1.5 version. we might also recheck the status of chaos in the meantime.
Just two questions:
- The bed is static mesh, right? Is possible to use also skeletal mesh (SK lagged for me everytime)?
- Is there correct collisions of cargo boxes with tailgate when car moving? In the demo it looks ok, but hard to say, because boxes are heavy and car is slow so cargo is almost not moving in the bed.
Can’t wait to see how it is done
v1.4.2 is available now
Override input tick event
Articulated vehicle sample
Fixed changing gear count at runtime bug
Custom collision hide categories are removed
Additional Notes:
-In order to override standard input you had to set inputs from level BP. Overriding input from vehicle BP was not possible but you can override “OverrideInputTick” function now. Check Sedan_BP and for an example.
-Sandbox map includes a new articulated vehicle. The skeletal mesh consist of vehicle body and the bed. There is also a tailgate attached which is a separate static mesh component. Both the bed and the tailgate are connected with a physics constraint. Hold middle mouse button down to raise the bed and release to lower it.
-Changing gear count at runtime was problematic due to a simple bug, it is fixed now.
-CustomCollision component had hide category tags with the intention of a clean interface but it seems that can be limiting so we removed them all.
I purchased this today and am loving it so far, when working in the example project. However, I think I am doing something very wrong when setting it up in a blank project and I can’t figure out what it is yet.
**What I do: **
Create a totally new, blank project, using the Vehicle Example starter content.
Create a new vehicle following the quick start guide. (setup bones, skeletal mesh and animbp as default Sedan, steering angle, and camera)
Place in world, auto posses, and start.
What ends up happening is the wheels are totally broken and the camera doesn’t behave exactly as expected. I removed all Axis mappings and matched them to the example project, but it’s still completely broken. I’m at a loss as to what I could be doing wrong here, as everything in the Example project works and following my steps 1:1 with the new project shows the expected results. But in the new project it’s totally broken.
What step am I missing here that could be causing this?
for new starters it’s recommended to follow the quickstart tutorial with the already included vehicle asset(fgSedan).
after that if you fail with another asset then you could easily compare the assets to find what’s wrong.
it’s most likely that the failed asset is either physics asset or the anim bp. for ex. you need to remove any colliders from the wheels.
we already have that default sedan model in the example project, try comparing the assets, let me know if you need more help.
It was the physics asset that was the issue, thank you, I got it working now correctly!
The only other thing I’ve been looking at has been the AI navigation. I am able to understand and work with the AI navigation for a set track, but is there an easier way to set it up so that it follows or chases the player? I’m looking to basically have the AI chase and ram at the player whenever possible, but proper documentation and discussion on vehicle movement to locations is slim to none. With the slim being extremely vague and not for my use case. Any help or areas I can be pointed to would be a life saver.
ai driver component is not meant to solve your all navigation problems in fact it’s not meant to be used for production in the first place. it’s there to be a demonstration that you can learn from and to be a prototyping tool. so you need to develop your own tools for navigation.
Okay, that makes sense. Would you be able to provide some information on what I could use to call the targeted spline in the FGear Auto Drive component in a blueprint? I see the option is instance editable, but I can’t seem to figure out what to call from it to assign the spline.
If it’s C++ related could I get some detailed instructions on adjusting it, as I am decent in Blueprints, but terrible in C++ coding.
Hi @KoingWolf
Can you add that lines after line 30 in FGearAutoDrive.h and compile.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "FGear")
AFGearSpline* getSpline() { return mSpline; }
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "FGear")
void setSpline(AFGearSpline* s) { mSpline = s; }
You can set spline object to autodrive component in runtime.
Let me know if you have any problems.