FGear Vehicle Physics (v1.4)

thank you so much! I’ll try :):):):slight_smile:

Any update to adding client prediction?

at this point i’m pretty much sure it won’t happen with physx.
there is an upcoming release(1.4) but it will not contain client prediction.
so we will rely on the new chaos physics to be able to rewind and replay physics.

do you know if chaos physics is able to rewind/playback physics?

Does fortnite have client authoritative vehicle physics?

I believe “squad” is a game that implemented their own vehiciel physics that is client authoritative… I wonder if they’re using physx

heard rumors about it :slight_smile:

do not know about fortnite but pubg seems like client authoritative, they are probably making server side checks but it is easily hacked, check this : https://youtu.be/sTh0djVxlMs

Ahh thanks for the info man! I’m eagerly awaiting to see if you can implement client authoritive vehicles for fGear… My game project is dependent on this… :slight_smile:


v1.4 files are uploaded and pending for approval.

updated documentations and sample project is also uploaded.

using the new sample project with older versions may cause problems so please wait for the plugin update.

i will post a change log when the new version is published.

the next step is to focus on 4.26 support with chaos physics and client prediction.

thank you.

Suspension constraint component
Rewind and replay sample
Improved sticky tires
Suspension relaxation damper option
Clutch power scale option
Minimap and ranking UI samples
Default physical material option
Improvements and bug fixes

Additional Notes:
-From now on it is strongly recommended to keep your root bone location to zero origin(0,0,0).
-Suspension constraint adds a joint to each wheel and updates their limits at each tick.
This works much better then “Hard Contact” option so this is the recommended solution now.
-You can use saveState/loadState methods to store and restore a vehicles state, FGearRewindReplay actor uses this methods.
-FGearRewindReplay may not be suitable for production since it is a framerate dependent solution.
-Sticky tire state is represented as a float instead of bool now.
This value is used to scale tire forces to get a more consistent behavior.
-Suspension damper param is divided into compression and relaxation damper params.
-If “Suspension Relexation Downforce” is checked, relaxation damper can generate forces that can pull the vehicle towards the ground.
-“Allow Wheel Rotation Against Engine” option had a bug that caused vehicles to move forward without throttling, it is fixed now.
-Clutch power scale can result jittery behavior if you use larger values.
-Feedback torque calculation is clamped to avoid weak responses caused by tire model problems.
-Rear gear max speed is also displayed in custom ui now.
-All vehicle components are accessible from(private access) BP now.
-We added more getter/setters for the extra components.
-“gearChanged” event is fired from FGearTransmission now.
-Telemetry is also displayed on clients now.
-FGearEffects will use the “Default Physical Material” if a surface has no physical material assigned.
-The last used vehicle in EnterExit demo will switch to parking mode(handbrake on) when unpossesed.
-OrbitCamera component active state is checked so that you can switch to alternate cameras now.
-We added a settings category under ProjectSettings->Game->FGearCommon
Currently you can only override replication settings for all vehicles here.

Thank you for the great update!
Are there any plans to update the Example Project?

Great update! Thanks.

BTW, maybe I found a bug with skid particles: https://youtu.be/EsaeGBpCqec

The particles should fade away but when I will drive over different surfaces then the new particles will spawn but the old particles from different surface will not fade out, but just immediately disappear.

thanks for the feedback, you are right, we missed that particle issue, will be fixed.

Thank you very much.
I overlook the text… sorry :frowning:

this plugin is fun to develop. Thank you very much.

no problem, nice stuff btw, keep up the good work!

Hi Yunus,

I’ve been really busy lately and not had much time, just spotted the update and look forward to testing out.

In regards to Chaos, I read somewhere full implementation has been delay untill 2021 due to so many bugs with chaos vehicles

Hi @PerfsPC
Can you share the page you have read with us

Hi, sry for delay,


This is where I read, not 100% on how official or where source of it came from…

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