Hello. Firstly i want to apologize for this thread name, i couldn’t come up with something better I have 3 diffrent question related to rendering in UE 4.8 or just UE 4. I hope you can help me.
- I have stationary lights for my static meshes and i also use dynamic lighting for my foliage. I builded my light couple days ago but today i decided to delete and add some foliage (by foliage tool with fully dynamic lighting) and that broke shadows for few of my folige meshes. I know that if i will build lighting once more it will be ok but i don’t want to do this everytime i want to change something with my dynamic light. Here is screenshot: http://oi60.tinypic.com/28rpsew.jpg
What can i do about it ?
When i export my matinee animation by “Record Movie” to frames (png), sometimes AA isn’t working. It is very uncommon but few of my frames don’t have AA at all (while others look good). Can i somehow make UE4 to always do AA for all of my frames, even on greater resolution that 1080p ?
I wanted to make a “classic” shot with DOF with grass on first plan and building on third plan, but windows in my building (opatique material) are visible on my grass, screenshot of this: http://oi57.tinypic.com/2pttjbp.jpg Can i fix it ?
Thanks you in advance, Cheers !