We’ve created this post to see if any of you have feedback or questions around the URC Snapshot History and Conflict Resolution tools we released with 28.10 . If so, we’d welcome any feedback you may have!
Feel free to share below or DM our awesome product manager,@gxg_work .
Find any bugs? Make sure to report and/or upvote in the Issue and Bug Reporting section of our forum, here >> Topics tagged fortnite
I’d be interested in knowing what these different colors represent. (UPDATE: They are the same color as the assets in the content browser) That said, can we make these pills larger, like a circle, so it is easier to get info about them when hovering the cursor over them, please.
Cant seem to check-in changes from an old snapshot to overwrite most recent snapshot which makes reverting to old snapshots not really possible. We have an issue where something just isn’t working in our current snapshot and we cant check-in the old snapshot to make the island work again, so we are just stuck with this broken mechanic.
Is this by design or will we have the ability to make an old snapshot the most current version?
(Update: We deleted everything and started over because we couldn’t get past this. )
(Update: Also just saw in the docs that this feature is coming eventually. Cant wait for that.)
We’ve logged an optimization to display asset type on-hover of the asset type pill and the area around it to make the connection of this color to the asset more discoverable
We have a planned feature for one of the coming few releases to get at the core of your request for better asset-level actions from within the snapshot history asset.
We’ve logged the bug related to the keyboard shortcut support
I’m sorry your team ran into this, but glad you found a path forward for now. Keep a lookout later this month for the release of a UI for promoting older snapshots to latest.