I noticed that in cascade, when adjusting values, the slider increments are pretty much useless. Sliding a value jumps between whole integers, when most of the adjusting I do is between 0 and 1. Try using a slider on color over life… starts at .5 jumps to 2.44, slide another pixel to the right and 4.66? How about changing the sliders so that they can only move as far as, say, 2 times the current value? Also, maybe it’s just my system, but the slider movement is very granular, you have to jog it to wake it up and when it does wake up it jumps to far- I like the feature but it needs improvement.
Hi Patrick,
Are you referring to adjusting the value with the mouse, on fields like In Val?
I ask because I am not experiencing any issue. With a carefully controlled mouse drag I update values from 0.577592 to 0.587061. Definitely not a whole integer jump.
Are you experiencing your issue on properties outside of Cascade as well?
Yes, that’s the context where I experienced the issue. It might have been a one-time thing (not sure why, tho), or it might not be the same in all fields. I’ll try it again when I get home, and see if there is a difference.
Here is a screen shot of the behavior, the slightest nudge sends it up 1+ units. Outside of Cascade, the behavior is similar: static light radius jumps from 1024 to 1062.261719
In general we are not experiencing any issue here. But there are two factors to be aware of that can affect the value range:
- First, is the available horizontal space for the bar. I have found that with a wider bar you have finer control than with a cramped one.
- Second, is that the increment by which the value changes is connected with the size of the starting value. For instance, a low number like 0.056 will increase to 0.058 (+0.002), whereas a high number like 2556 increases to 2561.5 (+5.5). This makes sense to me, to speed up the process when dealing with large numbers where fractional values are less likely to matter.
Try testing with these considerations (especially the first one), and see if your results change. If not, then I suspect the issue may originate with your hardware or mouse-settings, since the problem is not reproducing internally.