Feedback on the new docs site

Unreal Engine 4 Documentation > Engine Features > Sequencer Editor > Sequencer Quick Start

This page states that “Creating a Level Sequence from the Cinematics drop-down menu will also automatically add it to the Level.”
But it does not autamatically add newly create Level Sequence to the level.

  • First, these steps don’t appear to work with ue4 v24. Consistent crashes on composure element passes.
  • Second there doesn’t appear to be any documentation on controlling Anti-aliasing with those same composure element passes.

It seems the code on this page :…2/7/index.html does not work with UE 4.24.2.
I don’t know where the error is exactly.

Also, I found a bug in the previous code ( but I don’t know how to solve it : when looking the ground or the sky (pitch Y axis), the forward/backward speed is reduced, almost to 0, while the left/right speed is not affected.
The documentation is saying this :

In a typical FPS control scheme, the character’s movement axes are relative to the camera. “Forward” movement means “the direction that the camera is pointing” and “right” means “to the right of the direction that the camera is pointing.” You are going to use the PlayerController to get the character’s control rotation. Also, your MoveForward function will ignore the pitch component of the control rotation and restrict your input to the XY plane so as to guarantee that your character will move along the ground while you are looking up or down.


Unreal Engine 4 Documentation > Unreal Editor Manual > Level Editor > In-Editor Testing (Play & Simulate) > Play In Editor Settings
This page is outdated.

The navigation in the right side nav is broken, see the image down below…ndex.html#time

Would be nice to have a comments section on each page of the documentation. Some of it is out of date and/or incorrect. This page is an example of both: Creating an Aim Offset | Unreal Engine Documentation

I found a mistake in documentation Behavior Tree Quick Start Guide, at the 5 step in 5 - Task Setup - Find Random Patrol, it create a local variable called PatrolLocation which can’t be used by Blackboard data. Then the AI character will not move randomly.

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class FMyClass
uint32 ExampleProperty1;
uint32 ExampleProperty2;

// Hash Function
friend uint32 GetTypeHash(const FMyClass& MyClass)
    // HashCombine is a utility function for combining two hash values.
    uint32 HashCode = HashCombine(MyClass.ExampleProperty1, MyClass.ExampleProperty2);
    return HashCode;

// For demonstration purposes, two objects that are equal
// should always return the same hash code.
bool operator==(const FMyClass& LHS, const FMyClass& RHS)
    return LHS.ExampleProperty1 == RHS.ExampleProperty1
        && LHS.ExampleProperty2 == RHS.ExampleProperty2;


operator== is error. It need be outside the FMyClass or has only one parameter.

In tutorial “Variables, Timers, and Events”, compiler report warnings when I pass FString toCountdownText->SetText() methods. It needs FText class. So I change to the code below, in section “Work-In-Progress Code” it works.

CountdownText->SetText(FText::AsNumber(FMath::Max(CountdownTime, 0)));

Hi there !

>On the page** Import Into Level (FBX Scene Import)**…ene/index.html

>In the § Reimport List Filter Buttons (close ro the end)

>In the Table**,** the *description *of the *action **Add ***is: “This will automatically create a folder representing each tier in the hierarchy. The folder will be named after the first item found at that hierarchy level.”

It seems to be a wrong copy-past of the line of the description of the Create Content Folder Hierarchy, contained in the § **FBX Scene Import Options Dialog > Available Options **upper on the same page.

The right description should be :
“This only shows those assets in the FBX scene that have been added since the last import.”

Step 6. Shooting the Projectile
Substep 4. in the .cpp file
In the StartFire implementation
World->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(FiringTimer, this, &AThirdPersonMP424Character::StopFire, FireRate, false); should be set to
World->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(FiringTimer, this, &AThirdPersonMPCharacter::StopFire, FireRate, false); I don’t know why there is the “424” in the name but i spent 30 min looking for the error. Sample file at the bottom seems right.

Font is too small, in my opinion. Difficult to read.


I noticed that the GetHandle() function for FInputActionBinding has been deprecated from version 4.20 of Unreal. Its still marked as an active function in the documentation.

Hi, I had gone through “Multiplayer Programming Quickstart Guide”

  • Step 5.5 says add the following code to the constuctor. Example says the header file.

  • Step 6.4 Typo in StartFire().

  • World->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(FiringTimer, this, &AThirdPersonMP424Character::StopFire, FireRate, false);

Great guide to start from by the way :slight_smile:

In the Basic Level Designer Quick Start Tutorial there is by Version 4.24, the atmosphere sun light, in advanced Light setings under Atmosphere/Fog, that can confuse some new beginner

i’ve been looking at the documentation… i have some feedback to share… “datasmith” lota detail in there… but it fail to show how for NEW user to install/enable datasmith in plugin… after new user download unreal launcher… installed/launch unreal editor… datasmith is not enable by default…

i dont find any “howto” in the document… unreal Editor Manual > Managing Content > importing Content > Unreal Datasmith …
in the “Getting Started” should have a guide to enable it or have the instruction to enable in “Datasmith Overview”

Hello! I have met some questions when lined my account to github.In linking page,I always can not receive the conform email.Please help me to learn the source codes.Thanks

What/Where is SHOW > ANDVANCED ???
how to find it ?

Docs are completely broken on Firefox now.

The documentation currently states that this function -> GetNotifyName_Implementation is only available in AnimNotify_PlaySound. But it can be overriden from the base AnimNotify class.