Feedback on the new docs site

step 6 has two errors in code i believe

first one is; what the heck is 424

World->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(FiringTimer, this, &AThirdPersonMP424Character::StopFire, FireRate, false);

second one is HandleFire_**Implementation. **According to the header file, should it not have been only HandleFire?


The page for Saving Your Game with Blueprints ( is empty, I am not sure if it’s a place holder for future documentation or a link that is not working properly.

I have found a link to the Landscape Technical Guide on Reddit. The guide was for me very helpful but it is not connected to all the other Landscape documentation so i have never seen it before.

Its seems to me that parts are omitted or missing from the landscape documentation.
particularly, the one we get questions on the forum the most, World Composition.

I recall there used to be a page detaling the Z scale, for instance, ((max landscape height / 512) * 100 ), and on how to change the imported tile settings after import.

obviously, with the most recent update, there are also new features omitted from the docs about landscapes.

Just hoping that along with some much needed content examples for the new stuff we also get a full review of all the landscape docs…

particularly, the size recommendations since hardware keeps getting better?

When editing a blueprint I was not able to see how to “split a node” - that is the link-line for execution and for variables. This is done using **Double Left-Click. **However in the documentationthe double-click is is describes like this - i don’t know what “go to” mean? : [TABLE]

		Go to Associated Node/Graph
		**Double Left-Click** on a Node

Also I found that you must Ctrl-LMB to select these node-split-points.

nasıl kurabilirim setup nerde

Hi I was using the Digital Humans project documentation (Digital Humans | Unreal Engine Documentation) to help me improve my characters, however for the eye shader it says:
“Located within the Photoreal Character Project is a Static Mesh named PhotorealEyeGeo. This can be exported from the project into the DCC app of your choice via FBX to be used in your own projects.”
However, there is no such file in the digital humans project. Without that model, the whole eye shader is pretty difficult to use. Could you please provide this model.
Many thanks in advance.


Good day mods

I was going through the tutorial Create a New Global Shader as a Plugin | Unreal Engine Documentation
But on the 24.1 version, it doesn’t work and crashes the engine if you do the tutorial step by step.
But the problem can be solved by the next step:
In Foo.cpp add next lines of code

void FFooModule::StartupModule()
    FString PluginDir = FPaths::Combine(FPaths::ProjectPluginsDir(), TEXT("Foo"));
    FString PluginShaderDir = FPaths::Combine(PluginDir, TEXT("Shaders"));
    AddShaderSourceDirectoryMapping(TEXT("/Plugin/Foo"), PluginShaderDir);

hi guys i’need some help to my unreal engine i’have a problem in my project game for android the problem is my character I brought it Mixamo is invisible to my game android

The random screenshot of a random menu with no explanation of what it is or how to get there is tilting me very hard.

Printing of documentation pages and saving as PDF is not very efficient as big part of the page is reserved for navigation bar and leaves little room for actual page content. It would be nice to have 'Print" button and/or options to control what will be printed. See attached PDF as example. Page 1 looks the best and other pages have text in narrow columns.Using Firefox and ‘Simplify’ option produces better results. Can this be looked into?

文档右侧的滚动条消失 不方便查看api

Good day!

I wish, users can like or dislike documentation’s articles/guides/posts and add some comment to tell what was good or bad. or at least if someone dislikes the post/article it will ask to leave a comment why, so you can improve it to be more helpful for the end-user!

I hope it makes sense, and you can understand me!
Hope to see it in 2020!:slight_smile:

Paragraph is repeated. Highlighted below in screenshot.

Programming Guide > Unreal Architecture > Delegates > Dynamic Delegates page:

  • Delegate binding section does not describe the AddUniqueDynamic() binding method.
  • Could you please add at lease very brief explanation of the dynamic delegates use cases.

Thanks for your efforts to make the documentation site better.


Programming Guide > Unreal Architecture > Delegates > Dynamic Delegates page:

  • Delegate binding section does not describe the AddUniqueDynamic() binding method.
  • Could you please add at lease very brief explanation of the dynamic delegates use cases.

Thanks for your efforts to make the documentation site better.

I do support this post!
It would be really helpful!

Unreal Engine 4 Documentation > Unreal Editor Manual > Levels

Could you please describe what is the differnce / relationship between maps, levels, and worlds?
Thank you.

The documentation for the FPS tutorial seems to be out of date. I’m running a compiled version of the release 4.24.2 from GitHub, and running though the exercises at First Person Shooter Tutorial | Unreal Engine Documentation. The auto-generated code matches what is shown, but I’m having to search through the API documentation and through the Solution Explorer in VS (2019) to find the proper #include statements to use the components and functions required for the exercises. Also, the UE4 ‘Super’ identifier is throwing all sorts of issues and does not work as expected (at all).

I found several miscellaneous typos in the text of the “transitioning/translating from Unity to UE4” page (…y/index.html)::slight_smile:

In Unity, a GameObject hold a flat list of components, but in UE4 an Actor actually contains a Hierarchy of components attached to one another. You can see this in the example above, where the Light and Particle are attached to the Mesh. This has some important implications discussed later in Complex Actors and GameObjects .

Here “hold” should be “holds”.

You can even create small standalone-game using just Blueprints; see the Tappy Chicken sample for a full-fledged example.

Here “You can even create small standalone-game” should be “You can even create a small standalone game”.

Here’s how a team might structure a UE4-based shooter game implementing pickups using a mix of C++ Classes systems programming, and Blueprint Classes for behavior and appearance:

Here the phrase “C++ Classes systems programming” sounds nonsensical and should be re-written to more clearly reflect the intended meaning.

Actors are most common class used for gameplay in UE4 and the only type that can be Spawned into the World.

Here the phrase “Actors are most common class” should be “Actors are the most common class”.

The World Machine Tutorials:

should include the Recommended Landscape Sizes (or a link):

The World Comp guide instructs the user to set the Tile Resolution to 2017, without reason. Any change there will waste a WM build. Missed that part.
