Past week, here in Spain, at Mundos Digitales 2018 conference I was asking for to HP crew about it, and it seemed nobody knew really what was happening…
Past week, here in Spain, at Mundos Digitales 2018 conference I was asking for to HP crew about it, and it seemed nobody knew really what was happening…
Looks like we’ll have everything sorted by Siggraph now. Sorry for the delay.
can’t wait! thanks for the updates.
Rumor is beta will be available August 1st or 2nd.
I’d like to be added to the beta. i’m already working on 4 VR games for Rift+touch
Dang it, we slipped again. Looking like August 6 now.
Hi Ken + Simon and the team,
Very interested in the beta - lots happening with VR+UE our end. Any tools to speed up our CC will be a blessing.
Dan Barker/Tech Director/ nymbl ltd
It is coming, looks like we’re staging for Siggraph right now. I’m sure by the 15th it will be live. Things beyond my control are affecting release.
OK, Monday, August 13 should be the day, but I’ve got a terrible track record here…
Interested in joining this beta.
i want to make a Tournament with my Friends, because today is my Birthday.
how can i make this?
my ps4 Name: [REDACTED]
I would be interested in participating as well! I’m currently testing and vetting out VR solutions for my firm.
Start downloading, it’s there: HP VR Launch Kit - Unreal Engine
Amazing. Thanks Ken!!
I’ll be looking forward to test it ASAP!
@kenpimentel – is there anything we can open in the Unreal Engine Editor yet? All I’ve found so far is Profiler and the Showcase .exe. It’s beautiful, but I’m looking forward to getting my hands dirty with the tools myself.
We will release the project files when we’re done with the project. We don’t want to publish early versions of the assets, just the final version. We’re a few weeks from publishing all the assets.
Roger that, thanks for the update Ken.
Anyone else getting a corrupted download for the showcase? Profiler seems to be fine, but showcase says incomplete archive.