February #UE4jam, February 11-14th. THEME: ONE HIT WONDER

Where is the theme at?

Alright the theme is announced and we’re ready to party. Good luck to and I hope you’re all in it to win it!

Good luck!

Ah, I would totally enter if my buddies weren’t booked this weekend.

Good luck to all the contestants!

Just some quick things I noticed when reading the rules (first time participating):

It seems like some parts have not been updated from an earlier jam (october?)

  • Under “Create your submission”, old theme
  • Likewise under submission guidelines:
  • Notification date for selected entries:

Anyway, stoked to give this a try, happy jamming!
(And sorry for being the annoying person who read the fine print)

Sweet theme!

I will be streaming playthroughs of entries the day after at about 10:30am EST here: http://www.twitch.tv/necrotheif/profile

Yep the theme in the docx is out of date.

Never took part in a Game Jam but I’m thinking about it.

Can somebody please clarify what this means?

Submission may include sourced (non-original) assets, but the sourced assets must be noted.
Submission must not include assets created prior to the Contest period (outside of noted sourced assets).

Does it mean we can forget every asset we have created or bought plus the assets that Epic gave us, prior to the game jam?


You are allowed to use every Marketplace item that you have bought.
You are allowed to use all the ressources from the official EpicGames examples.
If you are part of the last gamejam you can just use that data too.
If you use content that wasnt created in these 3 days and there is a good reason for it to use them wich does not affect the fairness you have to make a credit for it. Like the free community content.

Dont make yourself it hard, have fun create cool stuff and work hard. It totally works in all constelations!

Thanks. I plan to. Good luck. :slight_smile:

I’m glad you did! Sorry about that, I hadn’t updated the page as well as I though :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve updated it now with the correct wording.

Rock on Kanizitas, good summary

Are The submissions closed. Just wondering if its just the first 60 people or its as many gets submitted. My first GameJam so i’m a bit confused.

No, it is not closed, anyone can participate.

this sounds cool, i wish i heard about it sooner… i wonder if i can finish a game within 42 hours… i have been in the mood to make a shmup lately.

ill post my progress here:

ahahahhaha yeah thats true xD

May not make it in time :frowning: cause my landscapes keep disappearing.

4 hours 'til deadline, not even close to having something functional.

Feels defeated

hmmm guess 3 hours could be hard :smiley:
maybe next time. can’t wait to play some awesome submissions :slight_smile: