February #UE4jam, February 11-14th. THEME: ONE HIT WONDER

Achievement Unlocked Game Developer Program

WonderPunch - DigiBotts
Voxel - X3
One Hit StuntCar Bowling - WarpSpasm


  • We announced the theme on the February 11th stream, when the jam officially kicked-off.

  • Make an amazing game by yourself or with a team (up to 5) around the given theme in Unreal Engine 4.

  • Submit a download link to the SUBMISSION THREAD before **midnight on the night of February 14th/ morning of February 15th **including the following:

  • Team Name

  • List of Team Members

  • Name of submission (Please format it with your team’s name attached ex. TeamName_GameName)
    After you post your submission, PM me with the email addresses of your team members (up to 5), the name of your team and the name of your project. That makes it easier to get in contact with so make sure to send that info over!

  • A small panel at Epic will judge entries on the following criteria:

  • Unique use of theme

  • Fun factor

  • Overall Visuals

  • Detailed Rules

  • Game Jam (Updated: fixed incorrect information)

  • Intel SSD Sweepstakes

All submissions will be featured in a highlight reel posted to our YouTube and shown on Twitch.


All participants of the February UE4jam who submit an entry will be entered into a drawing to win a brand new 750 Series 400gb SSD. Four (4) SSDs will be raffled off during the revealing of the winner of the UE4jam on the February 25th livestream.


The top 3 submissions will receive an Epic Swag Box with all sorts of goodies, a “Game Jam Finalist” forum badge, a featured playthrough on the February 25th Twitch stream, as well as a highlight on Unreal Engine blog!

Houdini Licenses

In addition to the Epic Swag Box, each member of the winning teams will be receiving 1-year of Houdini Indie (including the Houdini Engine) provided by SideFX. This amazing tool can be used with UE4 through the official Houdini plugin.

Happy developing, and good luck!

Theme Announce Countdown](Time since Feb 11, 2016 2:00 pm started in Raleigh)
Submission Deadline Countdown](Time since Feb 15, 2016 started in Raleigh)

Streaming your work on Twitch? Let us know so we can follow along!
Are you on Twitter? Show off your work using the #ue4jam](hashtag/ue4jam?src=hash) hashtag!
Make sure you catch 's stream of all the entries once the deadline is up: Twitch

**-------- PARTICIPATING TEAMS ****--------
In order to streamline the playing, judging, recording, and winners announcement process, we’re requesting that teams participating in the jam let us know beforehand in order to prepare appropriately for the event. We’ll update the list with links to the games afterwards, too, so can find your title without having to scroll through the whole thread :slight_smile: Pre-registration is not required for entry, and we know people will come in later, but it will greatly aid us in turning everything around quickly. We appreciate your help in making this event awesome :cool:

Please send a PM with your team name and number of team members and we’ll get you added to the list!

  1. Xi4 (1)
  2. DropPoint Entertainment (1)
  3. Babydaddy (1)
  4. Quad Corps (1)
  5. Magfersile (1)
  6. Crackpot Gumption (1)
  7. Warpspasm (1)
  8. Benergy (1)
  9. AJ&YJ (2)
  10. UpARiver (1)
  11. Ingenius Games for Gamers (1)
  12. Alexotronic (1)
  13. Derzo Studios (1)
  14. Owninator inc. (1)
  15. (1)
  16. Favorite Tortoise (1)
  17. rouce (1)
  18. (3)
  19. grahnen (1)
  20. Satellite (2)
  21. Team 20 (2)
  22. AnonymousIndie (2)
  23. MechanicalBanana (2)
  24. (1)
  25. Muffin (1)
  26. Tiredhorse (3)
  27. Jvthewanderer (1)
  28. Head Farmers (4)
  29. Rathimir (1)
  30. SupaFresh (1)
  31. human (1)
  32. Joke Yeti (2)
  33. (1)
  34. Wattar (1)
  35. Syntax404 (2)
  36. Boegli’s game studio for people who want to make games and want to do other stuff good too (1)
  37. TinkurIt (1)
  38. LeoCurtss (1)
  39. ScottSpadea (1)
  40. Games (1)
  41. RhinoGames (2)
  42. Chaotic Neutral (5)
  43. 3D Virtualand Team (1)
  44. The Flying Potato (1)
  45. Requios (1)
  46. No Idea Team (3)
  47. APDRA (3)
  48. Lu2ra (1)
  49. Shio No Inu’s (3)
  50. X3 (2)
  51. CurrentFrame (1)
  52. GroundBreaker Games (3)
  53. DigiBotts (1)
  54. Succubi in Hats (1)
  55. Team (1)
  56. Team Tyvole (1)
  57. BroForce (2)
  58. Fresh Lemonade (1)
  59. Tёsha Software (1)
  60. Oh, Hi Mark! (2)
  61. Y-U-No-Team? (1)
  62. Studio Vegaview (4)
    *]World Order Studios (2)

Count me in! :smiley:

alright, let´s try this time, hope I have time to finish, gogo :slight_smile:

Amazing , but what about guys that are in different countries and won the gamejam ? they can’t assist in the live stream?

I will try and jump back in this 1 and hopefully finally manage to finish 1! Always just seems to be terrible timing with work :frowning:

I’m not sure if there’s a separate forum post for this somewhere, but if there is I couldn’t find it. I’m looking for a team for this jam. I work until 5:00 Thurs and Friday (but I suspect most people do also). I promised my lady some time on the 14th too, but otherwise I’m available and will be around willing to create something cool.

I have experience with most aspects of UE4 (jack of all trades 0_0). I’m not the best C++ programmer, but I can navigate it. I use blueprints very well. I also have full licenses and capability with Substance Painter/Designer, Maya LT, and Zbrush. My preferred role is in design (mostly level design), but I also do a good bit of game-play scripting in blueprints.

PM me or reply if interested in working with me!

Hopefully I can get something finished in time!

Let’s do this again!

Programmer here, message me on skype @ zyphet if you’re looking to team up with someone.

I’m looking for an animator/rigger/character artist for this game jam if anyone is interested please pm on this forum

I will have to hurry up with fixing my laptop.

I think it’s about time for me to give this a shot. Hoping my programming skills are sufficient, and thanking epic for the starter content (3d modeling is really not my cup of tea).


Planning on entering this jam i am a programmer, if any one wish to collaborate can skype me @anonymous_user_7ca5236e :slight_smile: ill be available.

See you all around

Yay! Gonna twitch some of my stuff this time (i hope)

and will make a spreadsheet for the awesome MLG playthrough by !!! ( if’n he streams )

Going to give one of these a shot again!
“keep it simple, keep it simple, keep it simple” I must continually try to remind myself :x

If the theme is working for me: Im in.

Im in, and looking for a team as a 3D artist and a possibly level designer.

PM me or Skype:

I’m in but I have to remember to keep it small, busy weekend.

what is the theme, countdown seems to have finished

Howdy all!

I’ll be Streaming as well on making the game. http://www.twitch.tv/jvthewanderer