Bad weekend for a jam indeed. I might have like 5-6 hours total for my project.

So far I could find a couple of hors today and here´s my progress so far.

It is all about love. So I´m working on a twinstick runner. You must keep the cubes together, avoid obstacles, or love distractions that could keep them apart. The longer they are together, the more points (love) they get, but keep them separated too long and their love will fall apart.




  1. You pick abilities from ground.
  2. Hearts chase you over map. They are faster than you.
  3. If heart is to close it will damage you.
  4. You must use abilities you have found over map to kill all hearts!
    No Love for you!

Liking all the screenshots so far :slight_smile:

I’ve almost finished, but have no screenshots other than this render of a chocolate :

Getting there, first try at third person aim offsets and stuff, was hard but now I know how to do it :slight_smile:

Team Name : Kenomica Game Development

List of Team Members : Kirt Goodfellow (Kenomica)

Name of submission : Love Guns

Download Link](Dropbox - Error)

Submitted early since I have a really busy weekend and haven’t been able to use the full allotted time. Hope you guys enjoy it :slight_smile:




Unfortunately, I’m not going to get my entry in time. Hopefully, I’ll see the announcement earlier for the next game jam. In an honour of my entry that will never be, here are some love heart particles.


Game name: Glorious battle for the love of the people
(I’m not good at titles)

Team members: Just me, Daelus (Thomas Pettus)

Download it here!

I think I nailed the battlefield part of the theme, I’m not so sure about the love part. Ah well, I had quite a bit of fun with this one and figured out quite a few little tricks for the future. Most of the assets, save a few that I had lying around, came from Epics example projects, the music was from Incomtech. The glitchy physics, camera, movement, lighting and weird architectural layout was all me though. I kept it nice and simple this time and just made it launch directly into the game, no menus, no fuss. Definitely an idea I’m going to roll with in the future. Anyway, enjoy.

I think you mean… hearticles

… ill see myself out

Ha ha. That is why you (hopefully) get paid the big bucks! :smiley:


Submission Name: Cherub Warfare
Team Name: Aegon Games

Dan Thompson (Exit0sus)
David Thompson (DThompson)


WASD: Move
LMB: Fire heart arrow
RMB: Fire explosive arrow

You play as an overly-competitive cherub who’s out to “heart” as many humans as possible and has no qualms about eliminating his competition with his non-standard-issue arrows. It’s really silly.

Usually our game ideas expand and mutate until they’re far too large in scope, so we wanted to use this opportunity (as our first game jam) to see if we could actually make a quick game.

Team Name: Lukasz “iniside” Baran
Team Members: Lukasz “iniside” Baran (whole lot!).
Name: LukaszInisideBaran_Heartbreaker


If anyone intrested in code, most of it on github in ActionRPGGame repo.

Though, to day (Monday), there were some crashes discovered, which crash this game, it’s still was worthy, I at least have been able to somewhat improve my code base with bug stomping :D.

I should have spent more time learning AI. I spent awhile building a nice little area, but now I can’t get my simple AI to work. >:

Submission Name: Heart Shaped Tanks
Team Name: Play The Objective

How to play:
Shoot the enemy tanks with love to destroy them and gain points. Killing a tank restores some health. Be sure to manage your ammo, though as it’s limited.

Issues: Post game score doesn’t show the actual score.

Didn’t have as much time as I wanted with having to do some snow shoveling (curse you winter!). Much thanks to my friend Crabbo for help with the AI and Dyce for the Models. :smiley:

For anyone morbidly curious here is our GitHub repo: GitHub - csmarkus/EpicJamFeb: Entry in to the epic Games Game Jam for February 2015


Me too :frowning: My game is looking good but thats about it!

Team Name:Marcel Schäfer (exxello)
Team Members: Marcel Schäfer(exxello) well yes just me
Name: MarcelSchaefer_LoveArena
Download HERE

So in my Game “Love Arena” you fly arround as a heart .
And you have a box where your dolls run around .
Those dolls are getting more and more sad if you dont love them, once they are really sad they try to commit suicide and run into the fire house.
Loved dolls are red and unloved blue.

Love as many dolls as you can!!

Movement : WASD
Shoot by pointing and clicking
Key 1 : Shoot Hearts
Key 2 : Place Heart Bombs

I also integraded steam so you can join other peoples games and save the dolls together.

Keep in mind i am not an Artist and I only had a few hours work Time

Benatar: The Music Video Experience

Benatar: The Music Video Experience


Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwObMtF4_t1SbkphN1BWSmlvc00/view?usp=sharing

Due to a MediaFramework issue with relative file paths, you must place the video in a very specific spot for it to work

C:\ben*place video here*

video is “Pat Benatar Love Is A Battlefield” and is located in the base project directory

1personTeam: Alexotronic

@Alexotronic, your videos will package correctly if you place them in your project’s /Content/Movies folder and link them into the game from there! Then people don’t have to install into a specific folder :slight_smile:

Lol, I dig this, unfortunately I can’t stream it due to copyright infringement but I lol’d.

Tried that (The video and related .uassets are actually sitting in that folder in the .zip)

Thanks though!

Edit: @Allar :slight_smile:

Game Name Zombie S_e_X Factory
Team Menbers x1
DownLoad Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9gm69akgtvslc9/WarpSpasmFebuaryGameJam.zip?dl=0

Run The Short Cut Marked FullScreen To Run It In Fullscreen