Feature Request: Orthographic Viewports in Blueprint Components

The “perspective” viewport of the “Blueprint components” area is rather limited. It would be nice if the viewport was more feature rich, including the ability to toggle between “perspective” and “orthographic” views.

Also, it would be nice if I could use some of the 2, 3, or 4 “layout” panes (just like the main perspective viewport in the editor)

This would allow me to line things up easier and more accurately in the blueprint components viewports.


Hey Neil-

I have submitted your feature request to our internal tracking system (UE-4653) for consideration. Thanks for the idea and let us know if there are other feature ideas that could help improve the engine.


Hi ,

Orthographic view options have been added for the upcoming v4.6 release.

As for multi-panel views, I’ve added that to the list for future improvements to Components mode editing (an ongoing task).

