[Feature Request] Mover Physics Movement Modes - Collision

I have recently tried out the Mover example project and found that the physics walking movement modes (yellow tinted characters) properly push each other around on collision across the network. These examples look like a huge step in the right direction for proper networked physics simulation involving a character movement component (or Mover in this case).

I then tried out the green characters which are extended versions of the base character template with the ability to dash in directions. I modified the physics characters to include this dash ability and tried dashing from one physics character into another. I found that the physics collision ignores the collision and simply travels through the other character instead of what I thought should happen: one character impacts the other during the dash and pushes back the other character by some amount of velocity while the instigator continues to move in that same direction.

I have a request (which I hope is actually trivial) that physics collisions such as a dash or impulse from character into another character result in a a collision and resulting knock back with residual velocity continuing on the instigating character. I believe this would mimic a normal physics interaction much closer and be what many developers would expect when performing similar scenarios.

I think this would help a lot with expected results and fluidity in interactions between characters. I have also been looking for a non custom solution of this kind for some time. Just a thought, and open to opinions, thanks!