[Feature Request] Export orthos to COG - Cloud Optimized Geotiff

Adding the ability to export the orthophotos to COG format (Cloud Optimized Geotiffs) from RC directly - rather than having to use a gdal command line - would be great for large orthos (> 10k pixels side). COGs can be ingested by all GIS softwares resulting in a way faster streaming of the tiled tiff, as well as ingested by middlewares like TiTiler for web viewing on standard mapping libs.

Using the geotiff CRS by default is probably preferrable than using 3857 GoogleMapsCompatible tiling scheme.

Example command - gdal being already packed into RC:

gdal_translate ortho.tif ortho_cog.tif -of COG -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co BIGTIFF=YES

Hoi jochemla, this request was added to our database.

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Thanks for the feedback, great to hear!

Hi there, any news regarding COG export from RC? Thanks!

Hi, this is still set as a feature request.

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