Im not on my Workstation atm but I think you already got those Options in the Editor Preferences under General → Appearence. Not sure if you can specificly target the Variable type Wires. But hey you can Ask Celeste I know she made the Gridless Option commit to Source and should be familiar with the underlying Codebase. A quick hack for maybe another Background Color would help you out?
Anyway if you dont find volunteers let me know I will come up with something for you. PM me later at Discord or FB if you like (Eduard Gelbling)
So I’d like to request a way of being able to choose colors for specific types of variables. Specifically, I’m finding it very difficult to see boolean (red) wires over the gray background. Wondering if a color-blind mode, or a choice of color system in the editor properties could assist here.
I know it’s a small user-based that would have this issue, but it would really assist.
would like to add that especially the bolean connections are almost impossible to see for someone with dyschromatopsia, its quite common so in my opinion the default should be changed