[FEATURE REQUEST] Android App bundle

Hi Guys,

Do you have any plan for supporting this type of packaging?

We are receiving warning in GooglePlay console because our app is not optimized .

Hey Elvince,
I’m having this warning too and it’s blocking my ability to roll out for internal test (and any other publishing for that matter) which is a serious problem. Have you had any luck or have any additional information? I just posted on UDN and will continue to ask around.

From our devs:
App bundles is planned as a 4.24 feature, and will let you upload a single file with both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries. Google Play will then repackage and download the correct one on your device.

Starting in August, you’ll need both but you can upload two APK files. 4.23 now has an option to apply an offset to the store version of the APK packaged based on architecture, so you can set armv7 to 0, arm64 to 1, check support for both in Android project settings, and it will make two APKs at once that you can upload. For updates, remember to advance the store version by at least 2 to account for already generating store+1 for arm64 (all APKs uploaded to store must have unique increasing number).

Does that help?

BTW, the warning can be ignored. App Bundles are not mandatory and won’t be for quite while, because it doesn’t support games larger than 100MB at all right now.

Thanks for the feedback.
And great new for 4.23, because it is a bit tedious to manage both version with the appropriate numbers etc…

I can’t find this option in project settings in 4.23

Hey Elvince,
I’m having this warning too and it’s blocking my ability to roll out for internal test (and any other publishing for that matter) which is a serious problem. Have you had any luck or have any additional information? I just posted on UDN and will continue to ask aroun

libros de medicina

Guys out here, sharing is caring. You merge your apks with Android Studio or I couldnt find setting in 4.24. Anyone could help here?

I was very disappointed when bundling was dropped from 4.24 without notice, I had put things on hold waiting for it and now it isn’t even being projected for future releases. SUX

This feature is finally out on Unreal 4.25.

**Android App Bundles. **In 4.25, developers now have the option to create an app bundle build for the Google Play Store instead of a traditional APK. Instead of creating a range of APKs for the devices you want to support, the Google Play Store uses a single app bundle (AAB) to create a customized APK for the user’s device when a user downloads an app. Additionally, the final APK distributed to a user’s device through an app bundle build can have a size of 150 Mb instead of 100.

[Unreal Engine 4.25 Preview - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

I have installed 4.25 but I still don’t find the option to export using AAB. Please let me know if anyone found the AAB export

Found it : ABB.PNG](Unreal Engine 4.25 Preview - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums)

Have you had any luck being able to build to an Android device yet in 4.25? I’m having trouble even on fresh projects. I’m using NDK 20 as that seems to be the only one that it will build with.

@Debaucher - Unreal Engine 4.25 requires NDK r21: https://www.unrealengine.com/tech-blog/updates-to-required-setup-for-android-ndk-21-in-unreal-engine-4-25

So until we get obb support from google, app bundle is useless if our apps are over 150mb ?

Thank you for the clarification. Given a 70 MB project, how much will this reduce my build size?