FComponentVisualizer issues

When inheriting from public FComponentVisualizer got this error:

D:/Jesse/_PROJECT_/Source/RottenStar/Public/EditorFeatures/GameAreaBase.h(11): error : Superclass ComponentVisualizer of class GameAreaBase not found

Added this one, to the RottenStar.Build.cs:

  PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "HTTP", "JSONQuery", "UnrealEd" });

But, it seems, that problem is not gone…
What i’m missing?

Are you sure you inherited from FComponentVisualizer and not ComponentVisualizer? The error message implies you might have left off the “F” in your header file, so it’s looking for a class which doesn’t exist.