FCollisionQueryParams IgnoredActors no longer works with attached subactors

Previously I had a packed level actor under my main room blueprint. Ignoring the room also ignored the packed level actor. This is no longer the case. This worked in preview 5.4 but not 5.4 official.

The ShapeFiler.Word0 now corresponds with the packed level actor and not the room

	if (Result != ECollisionQueryHitType::None)
		// See if we are ignoring the actor this shape belongs to (word0 of shape filterdata is actorID)
		if (IgnoreActors.Contains(ShapeFilter.Word0))
			//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Ignoring Actor: %d"), ShapeFilter.word0);
			Result = ECollisionQueryHitType::None;

		if (IgnoreComponents.Contains(ComponentID))
			//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Ignoring Component: %d"), shape->getSimulationFilterData().word2);
			Result = ECollisionQueryHitType::None;

One workaround is to ignore the attached subactor manually but this sucks. I am really good at fixing bugs and QA work. I have 3 years of experience at Autodesk. I am a software developer based in Toronto, Hire me and I will do examplary work.