So I have this weird issue where I created several animations in MAYA 2016 for a building. I then export the FBX (using the “Export to UE” function) with the full range of animated frames (from frame 1 to frame 410). Because my buildings does not use bones I check “Resample All” in the FBX export options to make sure the animations are baked.
When importing in UE4, I import the animations separately (e.g.: animation 1 = frame 1 to frame 40, animation 2 = frame 41 to frame 60, animation 3 = frame 61 to frame 100, etc.). All the animations works well except the animation number 2 … On that one, the scale of some elements inside the animation as well as their translation into space is wrong.
The weird thing is, if I import all the frames in one single animation file (frame 1 to 410), everything looks fine, as it is in Maya… Also, if I open the animation 2 (when imported individually) to check it and I add a Curve, the scale and animation are restored as they should be, but UE4 prompt me to hit the “Apply” button to validate changes, although, if I do that, the animation is wrong again !!
I tried almost every possible combination of export/import parameters, I have been searching a solution to this but had no luck, it is driving me crazy @_@ !