FBX Import - Textures aren't the same


I created a fence texture in blender and created a UV map for texturing. It looks like this when rendered in blender:


However, when importing the FBX file into UE4, it looks like this:


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Ok it looks really weird. There could be a few things but without seeing your UV maps or your setup it’s a bit more difficult. Ok first question is how many UV channels do you have in Blender? Did you bake the texture to your desired UV then save the texture to use in Unreal?


  1. I literally only used one channel for the entire thing which is probably bad, but it’s how I like to work.

  2. I applied the texture in blender and then exported the FBX file into UE4.

Is it possible to get the blender file and texture so I can have a look myself?

Hey again.

I’ve uploaded my UV and blender file here: Dropbox - File Deleted

It probably looks really amateur lol.

Thanks for the help again.

Ok I literally just took the file exported and used the texture in a material. So the problem must be somewhere in your material setup.

Okay, one last thing then.

Could you tell me how you set the material as the texture in UE4?

Oh, I’ve just figured out the problem.

Thanks a lot for your help, but the problem was this: my asset was still using the old material because I replaced it earlier.

Sorry for wasting your time!

No problem. We all learning.

This is literally all that I did. I’m looking at the original picture and the texture I see on your model doesn’t even look like the same texture you sent me.