FBX Animation imports and Sequencer TickResoltution

I noticed a behaviour with LevelSequence track sections for animation when using an imported FBX animation.
If the playback range for the animation in maya is say 1 - 95 frames. It gets imported just fine to UE and on adding the animation to the LevelSequence track, the TickResolution dictates the Section range start and end.

If it’s the default value on 24000 TickResolution →
Section start = 1000 and Section end = 95001

Setting the TickResolution to 24 ( better frame matching for cinematics ) →
Section Start = 1 tick
Section End = 96 ticks

All this is well and good, it just work when the required TickResolution is set. Except when trying to add a section using python.
The sequence range would be set as normal ( in this example 1-95 ) to match maya but we need to add a +1 to the Section end to make sure the animation doesn’t get clipped at the end.

I guess my question is, has anyone else come across this and had a better understanding / solution to check if I’m rambling things or does this actually make sense ?