Faulty Move Status from Detour Crowd AIController

I am using Detour Crowd AIController. Lately have been noticing units getting stuck again while having move order. “Get Move Status” from controller in AI service keeps returning “Moving” even “Get Movement Component” from pawn returns velocity lenght as zero. If getting player next to them, they move away from player and return to their follow their move order correctly.

Quite lost why they stop, seem to be connected to certain locations. Navigation mesh still look normal. Anyway it seems that “Get Move Status” isnt returning correct enum during the stucking moment.

EDIT: Changing actor location while stucked, also solve it. Still strange why the AI dont want to move even there seem to be nothing blocking him.


Could you provide a bit more information regarding your setup?

  • Are you using C++ or Blueprints? Could you provide screenshots of the BP/the related code?

Using blueprints and move to task node in behaviour tree. The move to destination is an actor (which is reachable for AI). The most AI seem to stuck in that red marked area. The AI remain to have the path visible but without moving.


Thanks for the information. I don’t see anything necessarily wrong with the setup based on the screenshot.

Here’s what I’d like you to do:

Attempt to recreate this issue in its simplest form in a clean project. With a sort of complex setup, it’s always difficult to determine where the issue lies exactly. If you are able to see this issue occurring in a clean project, please provide a detailed list of repro steps that we can use to reproduce it on our end, as a simple Move To setup does not produce the same results on my end.
