Fatal crash in certain GPUs

Hi there, I recently launched my first game and one persistent issue a lot of users are having is a fatal crash they experience when they start the game and pick up an object from the ground, which should make it disappear (it gets Destroyed) but instead they get a crash, the message that appears is the following one:

LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line:258] Direct3DDevice → CreateUnorderedAccessView(Texture->GetResource(),&UAVDesc,(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView**)UnorderedAccessView.GetInitReference())failed at D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11UAV.cpp:116 with error E_INVALIDARG

  • This seems to happen in low end GPUs and intel arc GPUs.
  • The game was compiled in UE4.27.2.
  • I have advised my users to launch the game in DX9, DX10, DX11, DX12 and Vulkan, for some people this works, for other it doesn’t.
  • The game has a unique rendering style that does not use lighting or textures but under the hood it’s mostly unlit materials that make extensive use of vertex color and distance field data, something I’m noticing is that for the people that get the crash distance fields are not working but this is likely because unreal is forcing the use of a lower DirectX version, with distance fields disabled I’m not getting this crash at all.

The game usually looks like this:

The type of item causing this crash is this one:

And the shader of said type of item looks like this:

I’ve looked this up and none of the suggested fixes have helped so far, hope I can get some insight because I’m really flooded with this one, feels out of my control…

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What’s in MF_Steps, out of interest?

It’s just to create a banding effect on a mask.

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It all looks very innocent. Can you just try changing the material to something innocuous for now, so people can go going, and that gives you time to look deeper?

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I’ll try that, thanks for the reply

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At least it gives you some time to work the issue with someone whose open to the idea, while keeping the wolf at bay :slight_smile:

Welp, the crash is still happening.
This really sucks, I’m getting a lot of refunds because of this. Like sure, players trying to play in low end or weird GPUs are in the minority but still I’m only left with telling them “Sorry but you have to refund the game”