FAnimInstanceProxy::GetRelevantAnimTimeRemaining is wrong (and "Automatic remaining rule" in transitions too)

just recently I noticed that above mentioned function internally uses
FAnimNode_AssetPlayerBase::GetCurrentAssetlength() which is implemented as returning UAnimSequenceBase::SequenceLength. However, this length is valid only if sequence’s rate-scale is 1.0 (it is even stated by Epic’s own comment inside the header file).
What it means is that if one calls this function (and it can also be called from within the animation blueprint) it doesn’t return correct remaining time if sequence play rate has been changed by UAnimSequenceBase::RateScale in the editor. This property is correctly used for moving the time when playing the animation, yet remaining time computation is not reflecting it back.
Same problem happens for checking remaining animation time in FAnimNode_StateMachine::FindValidTransition function which supports transition’s " Automatic transition rule" property. Although the code there doesn’t use GetRelevantAnimTimeRemaining, it uses GetCurrentAssetLength again without modifying it by sequence’s RateScale. Therefore it causes same inaccurate behaviour as mentioned above.
Does anyone else noticed this bug? Does anyone care at all?