False Disallowed Item Errors (Reply with your own!)

While trying to recreate The Agency POI, I noticed that any kind of flag and/or banner prop has to be deleted before starting a session or publishing. The error string notes the item as “PhysData_Cloth”. Please fix this Epic. I’m counting on you! <3

We’re aware of this issue and are working on a fix. Are you working primarily in Creative Mode rather than in UEFN editor? That might explain the validation errors.

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Yeah, I am actually only using UEFN for terrain and searching for props that I could find in prefabs/galleries. Also, on the topic of disallowed objects, there is some options for Audio Players to have custom audio files that you import and also an option for the guard spawners to have a custom character cosmetic. Both function properly, however do not save due to a disallowed object error. Will either of those be fixed as well?