Failed to validate for upload and it doesn't seem to be a problem with any assets.


Just today I’ve suddenly had problems with not being able to test my game as it says it failed to validate for upload. I’ve read various other forum posts and attempted various fixes, however, most of these posts were in relation to specific assets they added causing the problem.

I haven’t added any assets since it last worked and my output log doesn’t seem to point to any asset, though admittedly I don’t really know what I’m looking at.

As per the image of the output log, does it suggest it’s a problem on Epic’s end as to why it’s broken? It mentions Epic Data Storage and more which surely isn’t anything to do with me?

I am desperate for a fix - I’ve been working on this game for months and I am literally a day off releasing it and now this happens so I can’t even launch it.

Thanks in advance for any help.

@ITemI Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative


Thanks for the response.

I left it several hours and when I went back it started working. I didn’t change anything and I’m still getting several warnings about various things but it was at least letting me launch a test session.

Would you still like me to submit a bug report in case it happens again in the future or should I leave it since it somehow resolved itself?

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