Hi there, I have been unable to package a C++ project on Windows to Linux
- Engine: 4.9
- Project: Basic C++ project with no changes made
- OS: Windows 10 64
Looking at the log (attached) it looks like some header files can’t be found, which is a clue, but I’m no entirely sure what or where they should be if they don’t exists.
Side note
Mind you, the only reason I’m having this problem to begin with is because I can’t find any documention about properly setting up to package C++ projects to Linux anywhere.
I found these steps on another question which I’ve followed (UE4, not the game itself):
– Build UE4 in Linux Development configuration to get Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Game file
– Build UE4 in Win64 Development Editor configuration to have the editor
– Run the editor, open your project, and then package it for Linux.