I’m working on a project for a long time now and i was in one of my many level’s and the power tripped from my home town, after i went back in again all my levels worked 100% except the one if i try to open it by going to file open level it give’s me that message
i tried downloading the newest version and converting it to that version but nothing, and reconverting it back as well. but if i go in my assets panel and click on the map from there it crashes the program with this report.
Is there a known fix for this, i spent about 2 weeks on it and i really would not want to do everything over, if there is no choice i would understand and start tomorrow.
I just want to rule out one possibility. Have you opened this project in a more recent version of the editor then went back to another editor version? If so and the map was created in the later version of the editor, it will not be able to be opened in a previous editor version.
Hi , no, when it happened I only had 1 version on my computer, but after it happened i downloaded the newest version and try to convert it to that version, but the result was exactly the same,
Have you attempted to access a backup copy of that map? You should be able to find them in the filepath:
\Unreal Projects\PROJECTNAME\saved\backups\
If you go in there and cut/paste the specfic umap into your contents folder you may be able to access it. It does sound like the current .umap file corrupted during the crash.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you.
Are you opening the editor in a previous engine version? If so, did you do any work in a newer engine version. For instance, are you opening in 4.12 but have made changes in 4.13?
this worked perfectly for me. I had to paste into the Content\FirstPersonBP\Maps directory. I saved the original file with the string “-bak” at the end (FILENAMEMap.umap-bak) so it’s unreadable but still available to use later if needed