Failed to load Epic Online Services Subsystem on Linux

When i start my dedicated server on Ubuntu 22.04 i see following lines in log:
LogEOSSDK: Initializing EOSSDK Version:1.15.3-21924193
LogInit: Using libcurl 7.83.1
LogInit: - built for Linux
LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1n
LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.12
LogInit: - other features:
LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = true - Libcurl will verify peer certificate
LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections
LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default
LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: LoadSubsystemModule([EOS]) failed
LogOnline: OSS: Created online subsystem instance for: NULL
LogOnline: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: Loaded subsystem for module [NULL]

However, dedicated server is able to create session, but this session is not visible in matchmaking list on product page of epic developer portal.

On windows everything works fine.
Maybe I missed something?

I am seeing the same error

LogOnline: Warning: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: LoadSubsystemModule([EOS]) failed
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: LoadSubsystemModule([EOSPlus]) failed with the stock Lyra Starter Game, packaged for Linux from Windows with cross-compile toolchain.

The EOS-only error was achieved by copying the WindowsEngine.ini file from Config/Windows/Custom, putting it in .../.../Linux/Custom and naming it LinuxEngine.ini.

Oh I did find a fix for this…

Whitelist linux as a platform for the OnlineSubsystemEOS plugin in the .uplugin file. Then copy over a MacEOSHelpers.h file as a linux one. I describe it here in the step “Configure EOS packaging for Linux” Commission New Lyra Starter Game Project · n8bot/Echelons Wiki · GitHub


FYI, tho, EOS voice is not listed as supported on Linux, so this might not fully work for all cases. It seems to work for stock Lyra.